Chapter Five: Fandom Metaphors

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Matt just sighed as he watched Brian stalk back to the house, he knew full well that he shouldn't have kissed Brian like he did but, there was something about the slightly older man that had Matt lose that part of his brain which harboured his self-control. It both thrilled and scared Matt on all sorts of levels. Matt knew that Brian slept around to get over the love that he still felt for Matt. Truth of the matter, Matt started to date Evelyn because of that very fact, that he himself was still into Brian, but then he grew to love her and have stayed with her ever since.

Now, years later, Matt was beginning to question if he was wrong. If breaking up with Brian was a good idea at all. Shaking the thoughts from his clouded head, Matt leant up against the rickety wall of the tree-house; he was a good guy and he really didn't want to hurt Evelyn at all. A kind-hearted girl who sees the best in everyone doesn't deserve to be treated like that.

It was a couple of hours before Matt even considered venturing on back inside. He couldn't face Brian, not because he ran away, but because of what might happen next- Matt knew that he wouldn't be able to stop himself if it got further, if they moved to the point of no return. Matt's hands were shoved deep into the pockets of his jacket as he walked towards the house, his hot breath mixed in with the cool air of the night, billowing out in puffs in front of him.

The rest of the gang - bar Zack - were asleep by the time that Matt had walked through to the living room. The green-eyed man turned his head at the creaking floorboards and carefully got up, his feet treading cautiously, not wanting to step on anyone as he made his way, slowly, over to where Matt was stood.

"I was wondering when you'd come back, Matt." Zacky murmured, his hand clapping Matt's shoulder as he grabbed a fistful of the silent man's shirt and lead him over to the kitchen, sliding the door shut behind them both. "I've been meaning to talk to you."

Matt grumbled a little and managed to shrug out of Zacky's uncharacteristically strong grip. He jumped up onto the counter, his hand enclosing around the glass of water that Zack had thrusted forwards at him. "You have, have you? What's up, dude?" Matt asked, downing the cool water in one mouthful.

"It's about you and Brian..." Zacky began, his slight lisp becoming prominent as it did whenever he tried to be serious, holding up a finger to silence Matt, "Before you start talking and protesting, I'm not fucking stupid. I know you're still in love with the fucker, as he is in love with you. I've seen the lovesick gazes you both give each other..."

Matt sighed softly, cursing himself inwardly that he allowed his actions to be noticed. If Zacky noticed, then the others would have had to of done so as well, especially Evelyn. “We do no such thing, Baker.” Matt dismissed it with a wave of his hand, the nervousness threatening to bubble up and over.

“You really do… Matt, you’re like the 10th Doctor, and so therefore, Brian’s your Rose… Don’t let her- him go! MATT! DON’T SIT THERE LIKE A STUNNED FUCKING MULLET! GET UP THERE!” Zacky practically screeched, and he would have had it not been for everyone sleeping soundly. Matt just blinked several times, unable to comprehend just what was said to him.

“Zacky, dude what the fuck? You know I haven’t seen fucking Doctor whatever-the-hell-you-watch.” Matt snapped back, a dazed expression had found its way onto his face.

“Doctor Who, you uncultured dick socket,” Zacky grumbled, folding his arms over his chest as his bottom lip jutted out into a fully-fledged pout. Matt just shook his head gently to the side, trying to regain back that last piece of sanity. “Okay… fine… It’s like Dean and Castiel. You’re both far too stubborn to actually acknowledge the fucking fact that you’re in love with each other. Yeah, you’re with Ev… but, man… Your heart belongs to your Cas, Dean.”

“Zachary, I fucking don’t have a clue about Supernatural either! Use another fandom metaphor on me, and I’ll end you.” Matt threatened his hazel eyes narrowed borderline to slits as he glared at Zacky. “Talk normal people speech, Zack… Quit going nerdy on me, I need your goddamn help.”

Zacky just sighed and nodded slowly, his mind racing with a million alternatives and solutions to Matt’s problem. “Okay, dude… you’re in deep. I have no idea what happened out there, but whatever it was, it left Brian in tears… the drama queen’s gone and shut himself up in his room. Anyways, you have to talk to Evelyn. About everything, how you feel about Brian, everything.” Zacky stressed, his hands flying about as he tried to explain it all. “Uhh… you know, you can’t go behind her back and shit.”

Matt nodded slowly, his eyes flickering over to where Evelyn was lying, squished between Jimmy and Riley. Guilt washed over him in waves, he knew full well that he had the intentions to cheat on her earlier, had Brian not ran off… and, that killed him, knowing that he could hurt her unintentionally. “I know that, man… but what do I do about Bri?”

“Get your perky ass up there and fucking hold the asshole!” Zacky demanded, his eyes wide as he pointed towards the staircase, his tongue playing with his snake-bites. Something he did often.

“Wait, how do you know my ass is perky?” Matt asked incredulously, his expression that of shock and disbelief.

“Oh, I have my sources.” Zacky smirked, winking as his finger tapped his nose lightly. His smirk had widened as he walked towards the living room, not without slapping Matt’s ass hard on the way out.

Rolling his eyes at Zack’s antics, Matt walked out, mouthing ‘thank you’ to the snake-bitten male before climbing the stairs, his heart beating fast enough that he thought he was going to have an arrhythmia. Clearing his throat, Matt opened the door to his and Brian’s room for the week. The door shut behind him with a soft click as he shrugged out of his clothes, jeans and shirt pooling on the floor, along with his shoes and socks. Feeling butt-naked all of a sudden, Matt crawled up onto the bed and slid down under the covers. Brian was rolled over on his side, facing away from Matt, the slightly younger man was sure that he was asleep, but it was Brian, he couldn’t be too sure of himself.

After a moments silence, and just as Matt was about to drift off to sleep, Brian’s soft whisper brought Matt out of his tired haze. “Matt?” Brian’s voice was soft and cautious.

“Yeah, Bri?” Matt replied, his eyes watching Brian’s figure with intent, widening when he rolled over to face Matt, their faces just mere inches away from the other. “What’s up?”

“I’m… I’m sorry about earlier… running away from you like that was stupid.” Brian mumbled his voice cracking. It had been a long time since Matt had last heard Brian apologise for something, and he wasn’t about to ruin the moment with a sarcastic reply.

“It’s fine, ba- Bri. I shouldn’t have kissed you to begin with… I’m so-”

“Don’t be sorry for something I wanted as much as you did, Matty.” Brian murmured, his heart soaring at the obvious slip-up on Matt’s part. His eyes flickered up from Matt’s dog-tags to Matt’s face, the sheer moonlight casting shadows on Matt’s soft yet angular face. They flitted down to his full lips before back to Matt’s eyes.

“No more running this time?” Matt asked, his hand reaching out to brush a few stray locks of hair out from Brian’s face, smiling gently at the nod that Brian gave him before closing the distance between the pair of them, their lips pressing together in a bruising kiss. Making a mental note to talk to his girlfriend tomorrow, Matt slipped his tongue past Brian’s parted lips, pulling the other closer to his body.

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