Coded Message #98

7 0 0

Subject: 10.3.8.III Ppomo

I can split myself into two parts, and act out a scene between two main chatacters out of any of my upcoming books. I can also use my talent to simulate how I image events to have been, based off of information gained in the past. 

Coin^(x^2-100), "May I have more noodles?", last/consonant, Sound a horse makes: X2

(see "failed communication" for reference to above)

Added to previous: 4/24 Cobra goal

Most likely result: I can do anything if I set my mind to it, so, in time, I will accomplish 4/24 Cobra goal but there is no substitute for Coin^(x^2-100), "May I have more noodles?", last/consonant, Sound a horse makes: X2, no matter how well I can divide my personality.

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