Coded Message #40

4 0 0

Subject: [error]

jh(THROUGH THE WINDOW)gn,gn//dh(ihs)?+pseudo h:

ah(the carbon copy's original who kurikaesu tabi kizuna wo tsuyoku tsuyoku at an old time because of profusely apologizing to an adult male to which he accused the carbon copy's original of bringing down the house),hh(crescent moon with points facing down in disgrace while telling tales and lore that is inaccurate and irrelevent to the times to bring up the house who is also manipulated in the case of mk ultra as the crescent moon with points facing down in disgrace who is also the manipulator of tales and folklore and the crescent moon with points facing up in pride and the blue sky with a liking to happiness),hh(crescent moon with points facing up in pride with an old Finnish folk song playing in the background after apologizing profusely to an adult male to which he and the crescent moon with points facing down in disgrace accused of bringing down the house with technological implements and structures unknown to the crescent moon with points facing up in pride but known to the quail facing down in listening and writing down who was the bad apple of the bunch and was also a monster who speaks over a line now to the crescent moon with points facing up in pride after the quail facing down in listening and writing down has been spoken to and contacted after millions of years in waiting that the carbon copy and the carbon copy's original are residing together in the large cave dwelling far away from the quail facing down in listening and writing and the carbon copy told the quail facing down in listening and writing down that they both were profusely apologizing to an adult male who accused them of bringing the house down so they faced up in pride with an old Finnish folk song playing in the background and hirarirahirarirari and the carbon copy's original completed the series of actions sooner than the crescent moon with points facing up in pride now the line is perpetually shaking and asking to be put out of its misery and raised up with the quail facing down in listening and writing down's miniscuile hands in waiting but now the line has ceased shaking for a small period of time now the quail facing down in listening and writing down is confused as to why the line has ceased shaking for a small period of time because it used to be shaking violently all the time sometimes the line would shake until midnight and beyond midnight and make the quail facing down in listening and writing very worn out so now the quail facing down in listening and writing down is very confused and concerned but the quail facing down in listening and writing down refuses to violently shake the line repeatedly so as not to tire the quail facing down in listening and writing down so the quail facing down in listening and writing down will be ready for the tremendous event that is to appear soon in the future so the quail facing down in listening and writing down  will be able to speak and recount clearly and dependably and truthfully to use the quail facing down in listening and writing down's memory to the best of the population of the countryside's advantage while wearing a dark green tinted shade of blue and green to the place where one cannot eat food or refer casually to object and symbols of errors and unwilling solutions to the one who made an error so that they are-),sh,(unknown) gh,(unknown)

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