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Looming over the area was a large leather chair that was decorated with gold and silver and had a giant of a man sitting in it. He was an older man, having the looks of someone in their sixties. He wore a white suit and a golden tie, somewhat matching with the chair. He had a cleanly shaven head and a thick, gray beard. A strange but welcoming glow emanated from him. Sitting across from him was a boy who sat on the other side of a table. He looked up at the old man with a puzzled look. "Well hello child and welcome to the afterlife. I'm sorry to inform you that you're dead."

The boy he was now speaking to was furrowing his brows in deep thought. He sat in front of the old man in silence, as if he didn't notice him speak. Silver Kuhōku, was the name of the fifteen year old boy. He donned a leather jacket with a black t-shirt underneath it. The boy also wore a pair of blue jeans and brown shoes to go with his jacket. He had short brown hair and broad shoulders. Yet his most prominent feature was his silver eyes that almost shimmered like the real thing; which was why he had the name of Silver. He had a perplexed look on his face; trying to process what had happened exactly.

"Ah, first I must introduce myself, I am a God, more specifically I am the God of Judgement. I judge and guide those who have died. But for those who have died unsatisfied with life have a differe-."

"Sir?" Silver interrupted after coming out of his thought process. "I would like to know what had happened to me, it's a bit fuzzy." The god was a bit startled from being interrupted by a mortal soul. Silver had no knowledge of how he came to this strange place so suddenly. His surroundings were of a platform of marble that seemed to be floating through a sea of clouds that glowed with a heavenly golden aura. There was a slight breeze as if the platform was moving slowly across the morning sky, while the air held a sweet scent of vanilla that calmed the mind. The only thing on the platform was the chair the old man was sitting on, Silver, and a table that had a plate of cookies.

"You want to know how you died?" He asked back. Silver nodded while grabbing a cookie, eager to know exactly what had happened. "It seems that you were on a school trip in the mountains when the earth beneath you crumbled, causing you to fall down the mountain." The god lifted his hand, moving his fingers through his gray beard. Silver's face went blank for a moment before he angrily smacked his free hand on the ground.

"They all told me I was freaking out over nothing, that I wouldn't fall off the mountain, BUT LOOK AT ME NOW, I'M DEAD." Silver continued to mumbled to himself while shoving another cookie in his mouth. "Well if that's the case, what now? Do I plead for mercy, do a dance, I'm kinda new at this whole being dead thing."

"Well that's an interesting reaction... Most people tend to freak out or cry, why not you?" It had been a while since he met a soul that gave this sort of reaction.

"The thing is, there isn't much to cry about, I never knew my real parents, I never had real friends, and my daily life with my foster parents was bland, I don't have anything to cry about." Silver stared at the god with an almost blank face. "I should also say that I'm not surprised at the fact that I'm standing in front of a god. I have always had an open mind when it came to the arguments of science and religion, I just say that in the end, I would accept whatever brought us life."

The god sat up in his chair so that his voice was loud and clear, "You're quite an interesting boy, I'll give you that, but I must say that there is still hope for you, I may not be able to bring you back to life, but you do have three options to choose from. You can either be reborn back into your own world with a new family, have your soul be put to rest and be able to sleep in peace for eternity, or you can continue your own life in another world." Silver thought long and hard about what his decision would be, for he couldn't take it back after he chose his fate.

After thinking for a while, Silver had made his final decision. "I would like to continue my life in another world please."

The god chuckled, "And why do you choose this?"

"In short, I feel like I need to spend more time living out my life, but I want to be able to experience something new, other than my old world. I want the chance to do something while I'm still at my current age without having to go through elementary and middle school again." With that, a cloud drifted over to the marble platform. The cloud then began to swirl, slowly opening up a gateway.

"Very well then, I will put you into a new world. This new world is not as advanced as your old world though. It would be in what your kind would call the Medieval Era. But this world contains other human like species and a powerful resource of magic which is very lacking on Earth. I also should add that the geography of the land is unlike anything you would find in your old world, so keep that in mind. To help you from dying straight away, I will gift you with increased strength, stamina, memory, and magical ability. You may also request one thing to bring along with you to this new world." Once again, the god gave Silver another question to think about.

After a moment, Silver spoke up, "This may not be the smartest idea, but I would like you to pick out something unique. I'd rather not run around with a gun, or the ability to take over the world, or something I don't need to carry physically or have to keep track of; just something helpful."

The god nodded his head. "Very well then, Silver, it is time for you to enter into this new world. Have fun and don't die too quickly now." The god gave a chuckle which gave Silver a warm feeling as he walked through the swirling vortex of clouds. Silver soon felt himself become light headed as the vortex dissipated, revealing a lush land; his new home. The last thing he remembered was diving down towards the earth before blacking out.

Argentaurous: A Life Continued ElsewhereWhere stories live. Discover now