Chapter One

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I'm slowly gaining consciousness. My side is against something rough and warm, it felt uncomfortable. Slowly opening my eyes, I had to shield them quickly after almost being blinded from the bright sun. I slowly got to my feet, still feeling a little dizzy and took a glance of my surroundings. It was a small opening with what looked like spruce trees surrounding it from all sides. When I turned around a saw that I have been laying against a large, dark grey rock It was warm to the touch from being in the sun all day.

All that I could hear were birds chirping and the trees swaying with the breeze, but the calming sounds of nature were quickly ruined. "You're finally awake!" A voice spoke out to me, causing me to jump and look around in a panic with my fists up, trying to figure out where it came from. "Why are you panicking so much? You weren't like this when we talked." I then remembered the person the voice belonged to. Putting my hands down I let out a sigh.

"I know you're a god, but how are you talking with me, you almost gave me a heart attack?!"

"I'm simply speaking directly through your mind." Well that would explained it, it did sound like his voice was coming from everywhere. "So, I wanted to explain something about the ability you had me choose for you."

That's right. I had him choose an ability for me, I hope it's something good.

"I would like for you to look into that pond over to your left."

"Okay?" Following the old man's directions, I turned my head to the left to find a small pond, it was clear as a crystal and looked clean enough to drink. Swimming inside the pond were small fish that looked like minnows with three eyes. "This sure is another world". I walked over to the pond and noticed something strange as I looked at myself in the ponds reflection. "One of my eyes is different." My reflection depicted myself, but with one single difference. My right eye had changed from its normal silvery color to golden color.

"This is the ability I have blessed you with, the "Golden Eye". Your Golden Eye has now been blessed by me and has a handful of functions to choose from. I hope it is to your liking."

"But you haven't explained anything about how I use this thing!"

The old man chuckled and said, "Just look in your pocket. Bye bye now." I felt the god's presence leave my mind.

"What is up with this god. He must have a screw loose or something." Reaching into my jean pockets, I felt something inside. I grabbed it, pulling it out to take a look at it. [The Golden Eye: How To Guide]. "What the hell is this?" That god made a pamphlet of everything about my abilities. "Now I know he has a screw loose." I decided to look inside to find a list of different things it could do. "Hmm, lets see, a map, that could be helpful, and a... flashlight?" Did this god just choose a bunch of random things and put them in a hat? I didn't feel like looking through them all so I just read about the map ability.

The abilities all had spell commands to trigger them. "Guess I'll give it a go. "[AccessMap]!" I shouted out loud. Suddenly, a small square box became visible in my line of sight. I tried looking past the box but it kept in my line of sight. I noticed that the box contained a small arrow, a compass, and a round colored area that seem to reflect my surroundings. "Huh, it's like a mini map from a video game." "[DisableMap]!" The map then disappeared from my sight. Being able to keep track of my surroundings in the case I see something I want to come back to, would be helpful.

"Well I think the best thing now would be to find a road." I switched the map back on to see if I could find a road. It seems that it only shows things that I have seen. I would need to do some exploring before I could get a good layout of the land.

After thinking long and hard, I decided to head north. Moving through the forest, I looked around, taking in my surroundings as I walked. The pine trees were tall and looked to touch the clear blue sky; not a cloud to be seen, and only the sun sitting in it. There were mushrooms and bushes scattered across the forest floor with the occasional black and white spotted deer walking about. After awhile, I saw what looked to be a stone path appear on my map. The map had about a 40 foot radius so I could see a bit further ahead than I could with my own eyes.

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