Chapter Two

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"Alright now Silver, focus y"Alright now Silver, focus your magic through your body and release it."

"[REPULSION]!" A wave of powerful wind pushed out around my body, throwing all of the dummies around me across the field. "That was great, it will come in handy when you become surrounded. Remember that you can increase the area effect and strength of it by increasing the amount of mana you use."

It had been a week since I have come to this world. Lizbeth had been helping me find and learn new spells from the documents we got from the Guild Hall's library. I had increased my rank from bronze to silver yesterday so I needed to be more prepared for when we became gold rank. "I think we should try one more magic spell today."

"Sounds like a plan." Lizbeth pulled out one of the books we had gotten from the library and started skimming through it.

"How about this. The spell is called [Burst], a fire type spell that creates a quick burst of fire from wherever you focus the spell from and it does no damage to the user", a quick burst of fire? "I have an idea on how to use this."

I walked up to one of the dummies and lifted my arm to punch it. I then started to focus my magic into my arm next to my elbow. I firmly placed my legs to help brace myself since something told me that this was going to be a bit destructive. "[Burst]!" I swung has hard as I could towards the dummies stomach, the spell then activated and caused my arm to launch even faster.

My fist made contact and ripped it in half. The punch had a lot more kick to it and I ended up spinning in a circle a couple times. "That's one powerful punch, that could easily break bones. I think that's enough training for today Silver."

"Ya, I'm going to have to practice that spell a bit more. I don't want to look like a ballerina everytime I do that."

"We can go get you a pink skirt if you want." I stuck out my tongue, Lizbeth sticking hers back at me. We had stayed in a party ever since we first met and it has been going well, both of us combined we had about four gold coins from doing jobs. She had also been helping me how to read and write, it was slow going but I was starting to understand it.

"I guess it's time for you and me to spare my friend." Baul stood up with his sword in hand. He had offered to help with my fighting in case I had any more fights with other people. I was grateful of him since he spent his breaks to come help me.

"Lift your fists and fight me like a warrior!" Baul brought up his sword and charged me. He swung down with amazing force, just about cutting my arm off. I twisted the arm he aimed for and deflected it with my shield. I then went and tried to knock him down with a leg sweep, but he quickly backed off.

"You can't fool me that easily." He swung at me again, this time aiming for my hand. I waited until it was about to hit me and slapped it away with my other shield, knocking him off balance. I closed the gap and struck him square in the chest. He recovered from the hit and moved his sword with incredible speed. I wasn't able to block it since I still had my arm extended.

Baul lifted his sword up and cut my right on the cheek, "Dang man that hurts."

"You left a fist shape dent in my chest plate so don't start complaining. You are getting faster, you sure are a quick learner." I sat down at the training ground rest area and grabbed the my water pouch that I had purchased. I had worked up a sweat and it didn't help that it was a hot day.

"Lets head back into town now, I got to grab something from my room. Lizbeth, your grabbing us a new job right?"

"Yes, I was think of some sort of scavenging quest."

"Sounds good, meet me back in the plaza when you find one, oh and thanks for sparing with me Baul."

"No problem my friend, keep up the good work!" Going our separate ways, we spread out through the town. I had needed to grab a new pair of armored boot I had gotten from the blacksmiths the other day. It cost around one silver for each one but it had a speed increased.

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