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"Happy birthday Silver!"

We landed back on the training fields in Riftale where a group of people were waiting for us. There was Baul, Bliss, Trident, Morgrum, and Amii. There was a table covered in food and a couple of things sitting under it.

"So how was the award ceremony?"

"I felt really out of place. I was given a medal and I got a plot of land near town."

Oria jumped on my back, almost knocking me over. "So what are you going to do with the land?"

"I'm not sure, maybe we could make a place for the guild?

"Ooo, so you're going to make our home, that's so sweet of you. We'll need to make a fireplace so we can snuggle up during the winter and a nice soft bed to sleep in."


Lizbeth pulled Oria off of me. I'm supposedly going to marry all three of them but I really don't know how to feel about it. I think the only up about it would be that I don't need to choose between them.

"Hey Silver, I heard about what happened to your leg so I whipped this up."

Morgrum had walked up to me and handed me a metal prosthetic leg. I placed my stump into it and it fit perfectly. I don't want to know how he got my measurements but it's fine. I walked around a bit and it worked well.

"Thanks Morgrum, this will make work a lot easier."

"No problem."

We continued to party until it became night when everyone went their separate ways. I made my way to the plot of land I was given and sat down into the grass. I was soon accompanied by Lizbeth, Aydria, Oria, and Kurenai.

"So how was today Silver?" Aydria knelt next to me.

"It was nice. It's been forever since I have had this much fun. But after all of this, I want to relax."

"Well then let's just sleep here." Oria just never stops teasing.

"Stop it Oria, why do you do this so much?" And now Lizbeth is complaining again. I'm tired too.

"It's fine Lizbeth, I think it'll be fun. Just lay down in the grass." She blushed before sitting down. It took a bit before the girls were fast asleep.

"I'm glad I came here."

"What was that master?" Kurenai said quietly.

"Oh, nothing."

-The End-

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