Chapter Four

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The cool breeze that hit us as we flew across the sky could give you goosebumps. Being so high in the air made you feel free, but it reminded me of that tumble down the mountain. The girls were silent the whole way back to town so they could take in the scenery. I feel as though if I had never came here, I would have never had this much fun which I guess I say a lot nowadays. I wonder how Oria will like going on jobs with us. She is friends with Lizbeth so they should get along and Aydria is technically royalty as well so they should be able to talk some. Why was I the one to meet these people and become friends with? No one really knows, maybe the gods but... from what I have experienced it looks like they aren't as bright as most would think.

"That's very rude to say." The voice echoed in my head.

"Why are you listening to my thoughts?" I thought back.

"I am incharge of checking up on everyone I have sent to other worlds even though I'm a god of judgement."

"So do you have anything for me?"

"No, unless you have something to ask of me."

"Then do you know anything about the Phylects of this world?"

"Phylects, I have heard of them but I don't know much about them. If you want to know anything about different species then you should consult the god of life. But if you think he will deal with your problem then you are going to be dissapointed."

"Interesting, I guess it would feel cheap if I let the gods deal with a problem that doesn't affect them."

"Sounds like you understand, I will be off now."

"See you later then."

His godly presence left my mind and I was back to enjoying the wind. It took around five hours to get back into town. In the meantime we had gone over everything we had. Money wise we had enough to last us a year. Oria hadn't brought any gear with her, only some clothes so we would need to go out and buy some later today. After that we all took naps to enjoy our ride. I was woken up by Kurenai when he saw Riftale in the distance.

"Huh, why can't I get up."

Something was warm laying against me. I looked to my side to see Oria latched onto my arm, her face inches from mine. When did this happen!? Why is she on me, I was confused and in a daze and probably bright red. I could smell her perfume which was sweet like apples. I slowly slid out from her hold on me and got up slowly.

"You having fun master?"

"You think I asked for this, when did this happen."

"When everyone else was asleep she told me to be quiet and cuddled up with you."

That doesn't help anything, what would Lizbeth do if she saw me asleep with the princess on me.

"Anyways, I think I'm safe for now, so what's the plan Kurenai."

"Well the only places I can land is either in the training fields of outside of the gate."

"Why don't we stop at the gate so we don't cause a panic first and fly in afterwards so we don't have to carry in your saddle." Kurenai nodded and began his descent.

"Alright everyone, we are back." I said as all of the girls started stirring.

"Already, but I want to sleep more." Lizbeth said rolling onto her face. Aydria sat up with drool going down her cheek. I faced her and wiped my cheeck with my hand. It took a second before she turned a little red and wiped her face, I would probably be embarrassed too.

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