Chapter Three

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"I am tired."

The gentle rocking of the carriage shook everyone as we laid down. We were on our way to the capital right after the dungeon so everyone was tired.

"I'm just glad we made it back safely."

"You said it Aydria."

Before we had left, we had said our goodbyes to the other adventurers and we thanked each other. I hope we get to meet them again someday.

"How about we check out our new loot!"

That's right, we didn't go through all of that for nothing. Lizbeth stopped the carriage and jumped into the back. Everyone placed the things they got in the center. Lizbeth decided to speak first.

"What I got here is a two handed mace and I got about three gold coins worth of treasure."

Looks to me it was a nice hall for her. Next up was Aydria.

"I got this necklace that looked pretty, I can feel light magic within it so it should be helpful. The only other thing that I got was this gemstone that I would like to send back to the church."

"Guess I'm up next. So I got this treasure worth maybe five gold if we are lucky as well as two gemstones. Then I got these five stone tablet things here." The girls looked at the tablets in surprise.

"Those are ancient grimoires Silver, they contain powerful magic."

Oooh cool. I picked one up and looked at it, the lettering on it was strange. Before I could try to figure out what it said, the letters began to glow brightly. The light eventually faded and I was left with a blank piece of stone.

"What just happened?"

"You see, grimoires allow the one who reads it to gain a special type of magic unobtainable by normal elemental magic users. Right now you should have a word in your head that tells you how to activate it."

She's right, a word seems to be repeating itself in my mind.

"[Flow]?" I extended my arm and opened my hand which was now glowing. A flow of what I could only guess as magic lifted into the air. I wasn't sure what to do so I tried moving my hand. The stream of magic left a trail of white light behind it. A couple seconds passed and the magic dissipated.

"That there was pure magic. It's rare to see pure magic since it is usually bond to something. But the spell is called [Flow] for a reas-." Aydria looked up at Lizbeth and I before blushing and putting her head down. "Sorry about that, I just got a bit excited."

"What are you talking about, that was amazing. You sure know your stuff."

"Thanks Silver. Well if we go off of the spell name, you supposedly can control your flow of magic. With that in mind, try to use the spell while holding something."

"Alright then."

I took the mace that Lizbeth had and used [Flow]. A strange feeling grew as my magic filled the mace as if it was becoming apart of my body.

"Now let's try a spell, [FireBolt]."

I aimed the tip of the mace into the sky and just as I thought a ball of fire built up and shot into the sky.

"This spell is better than I thought."

"What do you mean by that Aydria?"

"Well to be able to use magic that doesn't come directly from your body you would either need the assistant of magic creatures, magic stones, or magic circles which all take money and preparation."

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