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YOUR POV-flashback-:

I got up for school Monday morning at 6:30AM to get ready for school. I slid out of bed and my feet touched the cold wood flooring I shivered a little and grabbed a small blanket off my bed to wrap up in for a little. It hung low over my shoulders as I opened my closet door and grabbed my school uniform. I headed towards my bedroom door and stepped out into the cold hallway and walked into the bathroom.

I cut on what I thought was the light,but it was the fan it freaked me out! I then cut the light on after having a heart attack. I used the bathroom then I put my towel and clothes on the toilet so when I get out it's ready. I cut on the water and got unchanged and stepped into the warm(cold) water-I thought it would have been warm but it wasn't so I stepped back and put my back against the wall after about 2-3 Minutes it got warm and I begun my shower!

After my shower I stepped out and dried off then got ready for school. I went back to my room and saw that it was 7:15AM I grabbed my phone(more like iPod) off the charger and headed to the kitchen. My mom was making waffles/pancakes(choose) I sat down in my chair and stared out the window.

"Something bothering you?" She asks as she turns around and big smile on her pale/dark face,I shook my head then put on a smile. And acted like nothing was wrong,"why would something be wrong? Those pills made my troubles go away!" She laughs and continues with making breakfast"that glad to hear-"she put the waffles/pancakes on a plate and walks them over to me. I thank her,she bring over syrup and butter(just in case) I thank her again and sip on the cold milk set in front of me. I soon dug into my waffles/pancakes.

A little later,I hopped off the chair and put on my black flats and ran out the door. I walked down the side walk and made my way to Novas house,my mind was racing what school would be like now that RL declared pills to everyone. I saw her small blue house with a red roof appear in the distance,I stepped onto the drive way and knocked on the door. It opened up to a fully dressed in her school uniform"Nova! Your up early for once!" I exclaim she shrugs her shoulders and picks up her bag and slings it over her shoulder and shuts the door behind her exit of the house. "I thought for once I'd be on time. We're freshmen in Highschool also Sophomores!" We walk down the road in silence"your a lot quieter than usual..."I trail off she gives me s big smile showing off her blue braces"I mean...I've been thinking about Red Leaders decisions..."she tells me quietly"he's actually doing a lot that the last Red Leader never achieved. The last Red Leader never took over the world nor got close!" I shook my head"Nova we weren't born when there was another Red Leader...where did you get this information from?" She stops walking and turns to me"that's non of your business." I rolled my eyes at her and laughed nervously"sorry for asking..."

We soon arrived at school-boys and girls were smiling and talking like they were all friends. "Those pills..."I whispered to myself"what did you say?" Nova asks me I shake my head and smile"I just said that those pills are great." She nods and walks up to the school I sigh and go to my locker.

I put in my combination-12-7-18-and took out my binder and small bag for girl reasons and then shoved in my locker. I shut the door to see James! "James!" I smiled and hugged him something seemed to be bothering him. "Jay...something wrong?" He sighs and nods and pulls me to the janitors closet a little down he hall.

Jay or James was mute. I knew him before he became mute though so I knew his personality and his family and such. He didn't wanna learn sign language because well...he's lazy. "What?" I whispered to him,he took out his trusty pen and began to write on his notebook

those pills are a problem my family is acting nicer what do we do?

I shrugged"I don't know...my mom was being nicer to Nova. And you KNOW she hates her! I think Novas parents put the pill on her drink or food because Nova hates RL."

do you have the pills?

I shook my head"their at home in my drawer. Why would I bring it with me?" We heard the door unlock and twist,I jumped on top of Jay and his emerald green eyes lit up and blush came into his pale skin. "Excuse me?" I got done 'kissing Jay' and turned to the janitor"please go to class." I nodded and pulled Jay out with me.

"We need to act happy for the rest of the day." I whispered to Jay he nods and we leave to class,I walked down the hall and saw the classroom door open for once I walked in and saw kids quietly reading or just sitting there being quiet.


I sat down in my seat and stared at the chalkboard in front of me. I sighed and looked over at Nova who was quietly reading to herself I stood up and walked over to her. "Nova?" She sets down her book and looks over at me"Yes Y/N?" "Why is everyone quiet? It's usually Loud and hectic!" I exclaim loudly"HEY!" My head shoots over to the door way-I see my homeroom teacher tapping his foot"what are you doing up Ms.L/N?" He seems likes he's in a bad mood. "Err-I was-"he snaps his finger and points to the desk that's mine I sigh and walk over to it and sit down.

"Now class,those pills are making everyone happy and obey people! So the principal...actually RED LEADER to be exact has forced some new rules-" My wats perked up and listened to every word he said"rule 1 is: obey every teacher and or adult. Rule 2:respect others,Rule 3:forget the old rules about school,Rule 4:you will obey what the principal and or Red Leader says,Rule 5:bring your pills to school everyday and take them during homeroom,Rule 6:SILENCE,Rule 7:if Red Leader and/or his soldiers ask you questions you MUST answer truthfully,Rule 8:disobeying is NOT acceptable! Rule 9:no secrets everyone will act as family and Rule 10 The Most IMPORTANT:if not following any school rules will be instant death because soldiers are everywhere and we are ALWAYS being watched!" My eyes widened 'security is high...there's no way I can get away with anything!' "Now,Rule 5 does not count today but for tomorrow and forever. *ahem* now onto roll call-"

I blurred out everything else and my mind wouldn't shut up! 'There's no way I'll be over to escape these rules! I'm ALWAYS being watched and there's no way me and Jay will be able to escape-WAIT JAY! H-He's mute...WHATS GONNA HAPPEN TO-'

"MS.L/N!" I jumped at my last name being called"y-yes?" My teacher tapped his ruler on the table I stood up and walked up to him...'they are watching me...and judging me...and they don't mean to there's just nothing they can-'"yes?" He grabs my hands and placed them on his desk and hits me roughly on the table with the ruler.

I bring my hands away to see they bleeding a little due to the beating,there's nothing I can do about that part. Every teacher has ALWAYS done that! I wanted to cry due to the pain but I knew the ruler slapping would be worse. I ran back to my desk and 'paid attention' for the rest of the day.

'There's no way that I can escape class and grab Jay and-and...rebel!'

:flashback end:

"Paul she's awake!"


"Oh I see why Red Leader would want to kill you honestly."

"What? What do you mean?!"

"She's clueless Patryk."

"*sigh* then she'll have to be! We can't do anything about it Paul."

"Anyways,Red Leader will see you soon Y/N."

I've been reader a Dipper Pines X Reader for like 5 hours now...plz help😂

Also for my next edit(that'll be on my Instagram soon)I wanna do Tom(SVTFOE) edit...should I do a Tom 1 or not?

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