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YOUR POV-flashback-:

I ran down the street in the darkness,I saw Jays house in my view and i started to run faster. His mom liked me but he lived with his dad and his dad-there was something wrong with him-apparently he had sex with his sister and BAM James was born! And honestly I believe it because his dad has the audacity to walk up to me randomly when I'm over and say'your a disappointment and I don't want my son to hang out with you' or something like that. Jay had a German Shepherd guard dog named Frank,but Frank knew me and he acted like I was family even though he knew no better. I walked up to fence and jumped it,I heard barking and saw Frank growling"Frank it's me Y/N." I whispered to him as I got near him and squatted down and or his head his tail started to wag and I smiled. "I'm here to see Jay." I told him I kissed the top of his head and jumped onto the low roof of his house,Frank was about 8 years old in dog years I have NO IDEA how old that is!

I knocked on Jays window a few times,I saw his shadow run over to the window. He opened his blinds and waved to me and opened the window for me to go in,"Hey we're leaving tonight." He gave me a confused look"because Brian has me in a bad mood. But ya know that book we got from the library?" He nods as he grabs his bag"well...he tore it up and burned it,then we went threw my drawers and stuff and started to look at my personal girl things..."Jay nodded and shove in a few pens and 2 notebooks into his bag. "Oh I-uhh..."I started to laugh nervously he turns around and looks at me"I just noticed you have no shirt on..."he gives me a small smile and silently laughed I punch his shoulder and sat on his bed. He through on a pastel pink shirt with the words 'CryBaby' on it in pastel blue,I didn't ask what it meant because well I'm tired and I wanna leave! He grabbed his black converse from his closet and smiled at me. He pointed to the window saying'lets leave' so I got up and headed for the window and soon we would start our journey!

After we hopped the fence we walked down the street,"did you bring your phone?" I asked him he nodded and pulled out his phone out of his dark blue coat. "Heh,sweet. I left mine at home because I'm an idiot." He silently laughed and patted my head saying 'I'd survive'.

We walked around for what seemed like 6 hours,"time?" He checked his phone and showed it to me: 12:56AM I yawned"is it really that late?" He nods and points over to the park,I shook my head"we need to find this 'Thomas' guy!" He sighs and looks down at the broken concrete I groaned"fine!" He smiled at me and walked over to the empty bench,I sat down on it and he sat next to me he pulled out £500! "Wow that's a lot!" He gives me a small smile and puts it back into his bag. I yawn again and lean on my hand,my eyes get heavy and I shut them.

I feel a stab in my arm,I shoot over to my side to see Jay with his coat he pushes it over to me. I shake my head"no I simply cou-"he gets up and puts the coat over my shoulders I sighed and looked over at him"your blushing-"I tease he silent laughs and pokes my cheek saying'you are!' I felt my cheeks and they were warm like burning! I looked up at the moon and nodded"thanks for everything Jay." He nods and I soon fall asleep.

The next morning,I felt someone shake me a little I groaned and opened my eyes to see his dark brown eyes full of worry. "What?" I asked him as I sat up he pointed over to a lady wearing a Red Army uniform. "Dang it-"I grabbed my bag and he grabbed his and we booked it! We ran down the long street,cars passed and people passed. We luckily got away from any Red Soldiers that either of us saw.

"Oof-"I fell back on top of Jay"Ah Jay I'm so sorry!" He pushes me off of him and I giggle a little"where are you 2 supposed to be heading?" I gulp and look up to see a Red Army soldier"were on the way to school of course!" I say smiling as I hit Jay a little the soldier looks at Jay"is this true?" He nods shyly"my friend is mute so he can't talk." They sighed and nodded"of course. But it's midday!" They exclaim to us"well...uhh school was canceled didn't you hear?" Jay nods and smiles. The soldier was soon pulled away by another soldier who needed them for god knows what reason! We ran down the street"that was a bad lie. I tell them we're on the way to school then it was canceled-"I face palm myself"Ugh I'm an idi-"someone then hugged me"Jay? What are you doing?" He releases the hug and shakes his head"I'm not An idiot?" He shakes his head I sighed"I'm just stressed! We're never gonna find this Thomas Ridgewell!" Jay takes out his phone and we walk into an alleyway he types in Thomas Ridgewell and a few results come up. "Would he have a phone number?" Jay shrugs "wait what if this guy is dead?" Jay shakes his head I see him type in:

Thomas Ridgewell Red Leader

A lot of results come up and Jay pressed a Wikipedia 1. I know teachers say done trust Wikipedia but oh well. Jays eyes read the screen and then he points to the section to read.

Thomas Ridgewell also know as Tom lives/lived with 3 other roommates. Tom and 1 room mate did not get along-Tord also known as Red Leader-they would fight about everyday over something. The 2 other roommates known as Edd and Matt.

"Maybe we could look up this 'Edd'?" Jay exits the Wikipedia and types in Edd Red Leader the 1st thing that comes up is something about this thing called 'Eddsworld'-oh BOI is the fanart something! (Yep breaking 4th wall!)

It didn't really help us until a few more tries and we found out where they lived! Jay brings up his note app on his phone and types in:

Didn't the book say that Tord blew up their house?

I nodded"maybe their old house is repaired or something?" Jay shakes his head he goes back to the Internet and keeps looking he goes back to his note app and types in:

I think I found their new location I think. It's an apartment building not to far from here.

"Ok! Then let's go!"

:flashback end:

"So you found where they lived? That's a little creepy..."

"I mean...it's the Internet everything is on there! Also I saw a lot of fanart I didn't need to see..."

Instagram:here ya go Allie! A new dan and phil edit u haven't seen!
Me:aww thx! Maybe I'll get an idea for a new edit:)
Me:*stops breathing*
Instagram:Allie are you ok? It's just an-
Me:*opens window*
Instagram:OH SHIT
Me:*grabs phone*
Instagram:Allie I'm sorry I didn't know! It won't happen again I swear!
Me:*places phone back in bedroom*
Phone:good your mom would have been mad at you if you-
Me:*swan dives out of window while crying*


Also,Phil released merch and THEN Jessie Paege is releasing merch WITH Hot Topic-I can't

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