Last Night

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YOUR POV-flashback-:

"My inner demon told me that everyone hated me. And that I was a mistake,that everyone I knew was lying to me." I stayed silent and let him ramble,"back in 5th grade during the school talent show I was having doubts about playing the ukulele because it's such a girl thing. I heard a voice tell me not to do it because they were all gonna laugh at I didn't go out. I obey them,I ran to the bathroom and hid for a while a few people tried to find me but they never checked my stall-"he leans his head back"god I remember it like it was yesterday! After 5th grade,the voice got stronger a dad had invited over his old wife so I could meet her. She told me that I was made on accident,it broke my heart so I locked myself in my room the rest of the night-"his eyes were pretty much showing the story it's like I could see the past In them! "I grabbed my baby books and saw something I wish I never did see...I saw-"tears came to his eyes"I-I saw my aunt...and my dad kissing they w-were I-In love..."He was now full on crying,I put my hand on his thigh he whipped his tears. "The voice told me I was mistake and that they did it as an experiment. A few hours later as I recall my dad came up and was yelling at me about how Dolrice(his old wife) was being rude and hateful. I never told him that knew about his sister was my mom..."he looks over at me and hugs me tightly,I pat his head"but wouldn't you have known?" He shakes his head and let's go"he told me that my mom had died many times...and I believed him until I saw the photos."

I sighed"he made me cut but I never did because-because...GAH! I CANT HANDLE IT!" He got in my face and I felt his lips on mine,I'm sad to say that this wasn't my 1st kiss. I didn't kiss back because I was still in shock he pulls back "IMSORRYY/N!IVEALWAYSLIKEDYOUSINCE4THGRADEIVEWANTEDTODOTHATFORSOLONG!" I don't say anything and feel my lips"J-Jay..."I trail off"I'm sorry..."he gets quiet"only reason I didn't obey is because you made me happy. Whenever your around my demon stay at bay and doesn't get out and want me to harm myself!" I sighed and stood up and walked over to my bed"then how come when I was in the shower he came out?" He avoids my eyes"because I wasn't focused on him...I was in you! He soon got loose and...yea...the whole reason I got silent was because I thought that If I never spoke he'd stop." I nodded and climbed under the covers of the beds hotel I yawned"well...night Jay." I turned over and shut my eyes a few minutes later the lights shut off and I was asleep.

The next day I woke with shake,I opened my eyes and looked over to see Jay smiling at me. "Come on! We're going to explore Paris!" I sat up and rubbed my eyes"what*yawn*really?" He nods"the boys are waiting for us. They said they would wait downstairs in the lobby." I climbed out of bed"what happened to the plane?" He shrugs"I think we're leaving tomorrow or Friday I'm honestly not sure. Now-"he grabs my bag and shoves it in my hand as he pushes me into the bathroom"change!"

I change into a black shirt and some blue ripped jeans with my black converses. I left my things in the bathroom and did my business and walked out,"we ready?" I nodded"Yeet." He laughs at me"you look cold want my coat?" I nodded and grabbed his coat from his bag"thanks!" He nods and we walk down the hall past the f*cking room. "Wait what about the boys?" He shakes his head and 'zips his lips' I laughed and nodded we stepped in the elevator and thankfully it was just us 2. "Sooooo about last night..."he laughs and shakes his head"sorry about last night and NO! That NEVER happened!" I nodded and zipped my lips in the same way he did"oki!" The doors opened it was still crowded like last night but not the worst.

I saw Matt's ginger hair and walked over to them,"and I thought Matt took forever in the mornings." Tom jokes,I giggled a little and shake my head and yawn"I just woke up"yea bc somebody is a heavy sleeper! I shoved him a little and shook my head"anyways where are we going?"

:flashback end:

"D* your friend ok?"

"Maybe...I'm not sure. After what happened yesterday or whenever was the last time we talked."

Ugh I'm so bad at updating this book>~<
Hey it's gonna go on hiatus until I finish publishing another 1 of my books!

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