Hello,Welcome Home

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"Thank you so much for bringing her back! It's wonderful you brought her back." The RA soldier nodded"why did your daughter run away?" Brian looked down at me then back at the soldier"well you see,I asked her take her happy pills but she never did so she kicked me and ran off. I found her iPod she looked threw it being her father and saw her friend and her were leaving!" The RA soldier nodded and gave me back to Brian"please force your daughter to take those pills sir. They sure do help everyone."Brian nods and grabs my hand and pushes me in the house we soon hear cars drive off.

"Why did you leave?" Brian asks me tapping his foot"well because you SEXUALLY HARASSED ME!"I crossed my arms"no I did not! Stop making up lies,how did you 2 even make it to France? Your only 11!" I mumble '14' but he didn't listen"well it's non of your business on how I got France. Your burned my book AND looked threw my things-"I turned and headed for my room but stopped"my mom would abandon you if she KNEW what YOU were doing."I then continued up to my room.

I flopped down on my bed after I shut my door,I saw my iPod on floor damaged and cracked,I picked it up off my floor and turned it on. Even though there was a line in the screen it was still in working condition(thankfully). I texted Jay:


Hey...u home?


Yea. WDYN?


What are we going to do?! What about Tom,Matt and Edd! They might loose their sh*t when they notice were gone


...idk what to do...I don't have their numbers...


Edd doesn't trust us...we probably thinks we left and told RL


HIGHLY doubt it. They will notice(hopefully)our door is unlocked and that are belongings are everywhere and they might(if they are smart enough)notice that something happened


Ya know...non of this would have happened if YOU didn't push me!

I hear a knock on the door and slide my iPod under my blanket,I say 'come in' and the door opens to my mom and Brian. "M-Mom?"I asked rubbing my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating she waves to me."Hun-"she enters my room and sits on my bed"I heard you ran away?" I sighed and looked away"why did you? Those pills are making everyone so happy!"I didn't answer her,all I did was grabbed a pillow and cuddled it.

"Did you not take your pills?"I shook my head"I-I did."I told her lying and giving her a small smile"Brian he sexually harassed me!"My moms head turns over to Brian who is looking down at his phone"really?"she stands up and her heels click the floor and marches over to him"Brian! How DARE you lay a HAND on MY daughter!"She then slaps him across the face"we are done!"Brian nods and leaves the house. I sigh and lean back,my body taking up my bed.

"Thank you mom..."she nods"You are going to school tomorrow ok?"I sigh and nod to her,her E/C held doubt,sadness and  regret? "Mom...is something bothering you?"She gives me smile and shakes her head"NOPE! I'm fine it's just that sometimes I...I miss your father." That was the 1st time my mom EVER mentioned my dad since I was little...I never met my dad before. My mom told me that he had an accent and was 'handsome'...but that honestly could be ANY boy if you think about it! She told me that my dad left after I was born for some girl. "Mom...what was dad like?"I look up to see her already gone from my room.

"I'll ask her later...I guess..."I grab my iPod but notice its gone?I jump down from my bed and look under my bed to see my iPod,I grab it and pull it out only to notice its damaged even MORE! I groan and try to cut it on but nothing happens"great! JUST what I needed".

:flashback end:

"Did you ever find out who your dad was?"

I shake my head"no...my mom didn't really give me anything...all she said was that he was 'nice'and a 'big sweetheart'and sometimes a 'huge perv'...but again that could be ANYONE!"

I see Paul and Patryk look at eachother then back me,do they know something I don't?




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