Shoved Out

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YOUR POV-flashback-:

After I knocked on the door I instantly regretted,"ok! Yep I done! I'd rather live with Brian than interact with some random people and/or guy!" I walk down the hallway and Jay grabs my hand I stare into his aqua eyes and he shakes his head I groan"your right...were already here." Jay takes my hand and leaded me back to the door that's still currently closed maybe they aren't home? I shrug and sit down in the hall I yawn and rub my eyes"They Better get here soon or I'm gonna just fall asleep!" Jay nods then go to sleep! ill tell u when they are here so we can go in. I thank him and shut my eyes I lean on Jay shoulder,his body tenses then relaxes.

I wake up on a couch,I see Jay staring at me which catches me off guard. "Geez don't scare me Jay!" I hit his arm he rubs his arm and silently laughs sorry i never woke u...I fell asleep to... I laughed a little and sat up on the couch"so are these people?" He shrugs"so they just let 2 14 year old kids into their house and le-"

"EDD!" Someone shouts,me and Jay jump in surprise. We turn to see a tall ginger with a purple hoodie on me and Jay look at eachother then look back at ginger soon a shorter boy with brown hair and green hoodie saw us. "Oh,your up!" He walks over to us,"my names Edd and the ginger is Matt! Who are you 2?" im james but call me jay and this is my friend Y/N Edd nods"Wait if you don't mind me asking why were you 2 outside our apartment?" well we came to see-wait is there a thomas here? Edd and Matt look at eachother-Matt looked confused and Edd nodded"yea...why?" well-umm have any of u taken those RL pills? Edd shakes his head"no. Why would we? Tord betrayed us..."he says sadly "we...I wanted to see if you guys would help us rebel? Against Tord Larsson?"

"Wait why should we trust you 2?" Edd asks"you could be working for Tord!" Next thing I know we were shoved out the small apartment. "I TOLD YOU JAY!" Jay gives me a small frown sorry i doubted you I sighed and banged on the door again but nobody came. I pressed my ear to the door and motioned for Jay to come over:

"Edd What was that for? *random name with your 1st letter of Y/N* and Jason werent hurting anyone!"

"Matt we can't trust them...what if we get hurt again? Maybe Tord is using them so we could work for them or something!"

"I highly doubt Tord would do that! I mean yea he ruined my face and hurt Tom but I think he did it for a good reason!"



"Sorry Tom."

"Ugh,who the h*ll are you 2 talking about?"

"Some kids came by asking for you...they were outside the door asleep."

"Why did they want?"

"Err-they asked us about Tords pills then..."

"Where are they?"

"Ugh Edd,as much as I hate Commie and they COULD be working for him maybe their not."

The door opened and I saw a boy with black eyes and a grey shirt on. "Are you Tom?" He nods"sorry about what do you 2 want?" Wow someone's in a bad mood"Well me and my friend here wanted to see if you 3 would help us rebel against RL?" Tom nodded and leaned against the door frame"ok and?" plz mr.tom! me and Y/N are not working for Tord Larsson. everyone we know has been effected by the pills but we didn't want to obey. Y/N did research on the pills and she found a book about Tord and a few book talked about roommates. 1 wikipedia page talker about u mr.tom

Tom sighed and let us in,"TOM!" Edd yelled"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He seemed pissed"Edd their just kids. And then plus they boy explained to me everything! I mean I hate the commie so I wouldn't mind if he died." Me and Jay looked at eachother"so what are
Supposed to do?" I shrugged"I don't know...I was thinking that maybe we could lead a petition but then I realized nobody would follow it due to them being under RL control. So maybe we could get into the Red Army base or something-"and "hack" into their system so that people think we are RL?

"How would we get there?" Matt asks"that's all the way in Norway." Me and Jay look at eachother"oh yea...I don't know..."Edd rolls his eyes and walks off what's up with Edd? does he not like us? Tom sighs"well...I mean Edd currently doesn't trust anyone because of Tord and I don't blame him but I mean..."Jay stood up when do we leave? "Tomorrow?" Tom asks"I's early morning so we will leave tomorrow after noon?" I nodded and yawned once again,"I'm taking the couch!" I yelled as I ran over to it and jumped on it Jay frowns. The 2 boys soon walked off and me Jay stayed in the front room.

I laid down on the couch and stared up ate the ceiling my mind was racing!

:flashback end:

"Sooo that was your plan?"

I nodded "yea...obviously it didn't work."

"I think you could of had a better plan honestly than just waltz on in to the base."

"I mean...we didn't just walk on in!"

Halloween special coming soon probably sometime next week or tomorrow idk

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