That Annoying 'Sending Message' Forever

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Now he was the one screaming.

His legs buckled as they slammed against the mattress, weakening at the impact. Overbalancing, Wylan fell against the mattress hard, wincing as his body smashed against the surface.

Jesus Christ. "I am never doing this again," Wylan muttered to himself. His entire side ached against the mattress, but he remembered the screams and forced himself up onto his feet. Where had the screams come from?


Turning his head, he gaped at the sight of two six feet something men up in the tree next to his bedroom. "Matthias?" he yelled, staring up at them. "Sergie? What are you two doing here?"


Wylan clamped his mouth shut.

WHAT THE HELL? How long have Matthias and Sergie been there? Is Jesper here? Are any of the others here?

"You probably have a lot of questions," Sergie said as soon as he hit the ground. Matthias followed, and shushed the both of them. Silently he took out his phone and shot an angry text to somebody.

"What's going on?" Wylan whispered at Matthias' furious glare.

"I need you to be quiet," he said softly. "Kaz, Nina, Inej, and Jesper are all inside your house. They think you are inside of it. We need to get them out, but there are servants everywhere, and I do not know where Jan Van Eck is."

"The servants should be okay," Wylan said. "Most of them dislike my father anyways. The only one that I've ever seen display any fond emotion to him is..." he trailed off, frowning. "Bajan. He's new."

Matthias and Sergie frowned in concentration, faces contorting. Wylan felt tiny compared to the two giants - his five foot nothing frame compared to Matthias and Sergie's six foot something must have looked amusing as hell to anybody watching from afar.

"Bajan?" Matthias asked, squinting. "If the man has one loyal servant out of many that hate him, he's bound to have either a reason for it, or more servants that like him."

Wylan frowned, thinking of the chemicals he had been snuck in order to break out. "I was given an escape strategy by the servants," Wylan volunteered. "Some of the ones that work in this house raised me. I mean, most of them are probably fired by now, but some of them have been here since I was a little boy."

Sergie made a face, before suddenly lighting up again. "At least we've got you back, friend!" he said cheerfully, pulling the ginger into a hug. Wylan choked from the lack of oxygen briefly, and made a face at a snickering Matthias.

A Matthias, who had apparently come to save Wylan's life.

A Matthias, who was now laughing at a Wylan in pain.

What a lie.

"Okay," Wylan wheezed when he was let out of Sergie's hold. "Love you too Serg." The other man beamed, and Matthias snorted. "Do you have Jes' phone number? Can't we just call them or something?"

Sergie pursed his lips. "There's a blocker in place," Sergie said shaking his head. "We put it up in case Jan Van Eck called the police on us. As of five minutes ago, all calls or texts or any forms of communication in the house or outside the house within a mile radius communication won't go through. You'll just get the annoying sending message forever."

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