Don't Die.....The Middle.....Part 2.......Chapter 11

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*Lilly POV*

My mind was moving, but m body wasn't moving with it. I was in a coma and didn't know when I was going to wake up

I wake up laying on a white spotless ground, "Hello?" I yell.

Everythig is white, the walls, the ground.

I come to think weres the door?

"Hello!" I yell once more.

"Well Hello there!" A sweet voice came from  above.

"Where are you?" I ask looking around.

"Up here." She says and swoops down onto the ground.

She is really pretty, she has a white dress on, sparkly white teeth, and white shoes.

"Oh Hi! May I ask, where am I?" I ask.

"Well your in 'The Middle'." she smiles.

"Whats The Middle?" I ask.

"Well it is a place where people that had a concusion, pasted out, or in your case are in a coma. Its were they go and yourself diturmins if you want to go back to the world or live again." she says.

"I want to live again......" I say , "Why won't I go back?"

"Just you by yourself don't determin, it you and your mind do. You need time to think. When you came up with a desision, you won't know it, but you will go back!" She smiles sweetly.

"For some reason I" I say.

"People have a tendency to feel that Lilly." she laughs.

"How do you know my name?" I ask.

"Thats for me to know for you to find out." She winks and floats over to a crystal ball.

"What happen to you?" I ask her.

"I died a couple years ago, I come here to tell the people about whats going on. Here is the MCB or the Magical Crystal Ball, It shows whats going on with our familys or friends, so we don't miss them to much." she says.

"Look this is you know.." She says.

The crystal ball shows a hospital room. A bed holding me, a pale, lifeless girl.

I see all the boys and Maddy.

All the boys are crying especially Harry.

They boys get out and I see Harry grab my hand.

"Im so sorry," he says, What ever he says I hear it echo throughout The Middle, " Will you ever forgive me?" he says.

All the boys, and Maddy retun a couple mintues later. Then a miracle.

I see my body move, "Hey I moved!" I say smiling.

"Your going back Lilly!" she says.

I look down and see my body slowly dissapearing, "Oh I never caught your name!" I say.

"Alice, Alice Dwelling!" she waves and I smile and wave back.

"It was nice knowing you!" I say.

"You to, I see you over the MCB!" she says and I dissapear.


I feel my body unstiffin.

My eyes shot open.

I hear a beep, beep, beep, beep coming from a heart rate monitor.

I look around to see tear stained faces on everyone, "Why so sad?" I ask.


*Flash In*

*Harry POV*

"Why so sad?" I hear a sweet voice say. I look up and Lilly is up!

"LILLY!" Me, the boys, and Maddy all yell together.

We all run over to my bed and hug her one-by-one, me first.

"We were so worried about you!" Zayn says running his hands through his hair.

"Well next time tell Harry not to throw me in a pool..." Lilly jokes, she laughs. I missed that cute laugh.

"Sorry....." I say forgivingly, hoping she will forgive me....

Niall calls the doctor and she comes in and checks her eye sight and asks her questions.

"OK! Lilly your free to go if you'd like, if you don't want to go thats totally fine!" the doctor smiles and leaves.

"I think Ill stay..." Lilly says with a sad face.

"What no..." Me and Liam say together.

"Im just kidding lets go home dumbys!" she laughs.

"She's back!" Niall yells.

Lilly gives Niall a cute, but evil glare, and then laughs.

She's been laughing alot ever since she got out of her coma, i like it.

When were walking to the car I grab her hand, and she grabs back.

"Lilly what did it feel like to a you know c--------" I begin.

"Coma?" she says.


"Well I meet this one girl she told me about The Middle and everything."

"Whats The Middle?"

"Its were people go that have been are in a coma, pasted out, or had a concusion."

"Oh so what did she say?"

"Her name was Alice, she died a couple years ago, The Middle is like a place were you choose weather to live or to go to heaven!"

"Well wouldn't you want to go down to earth again?"

"Its confusing maybe when I put you in a coma one day you will see." she says with and evil smile.

"Your going to put ME in a coma?" I say backing away.

"No Silly i was kidding, and I am not mad at you what you did was an accident!" she smiles.

"That relived me so much I am so glad your not mad at me!" I say with relif.

"Well I love you!" she says.

"I love you too!" I give her a quick kiss and we get into the van.

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