Date; The Notebook...............Chapter 10

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*Maddy POV*

"Maddy want to go on a date tonight?" Louis asks.

"Sure.." I smile.

"Why don't we go out for dinner, then on the bridge!" he says.

"Ok!" I say and hug him tightly.

~On the Date~

We go to The Olive Garden.

We sit down in a private area.

I order a salad and Louis orders a Pasta plate.

He scarfs it all down.

"Wow you eat fast, I barely finished half my salad!" I say.

I quickly finsih my salad. And we talk for hours on end.

"We should go or else there going to kick us out!" Louis says.

"True that!" I say. We laugh and go out hand-in-hand.

We are walking on a big bridge. I hate hights.

"Louis i hate hights!" I say.

"Its ok i---------" He is cut off by a loud thunder boom!

It starts pouring down rain.

I scardly hug Louis shivering.

He puts is jacket on me. He grabs the ends of the jacket and pulls me closer. I find me and Louis Tomlinson kissing in the rain. We pull away and I smile. We run to a little coffee shop and laugh it out, soaking wet.

"I love you Maddy..." He says.

"I love you too Lou.." I smile and we get a cab back to my place.

When we arive home everyone is there.

"Wow why are you wet Mads!" Lilly asks.

"It started raining..." Me and Louis laugh.

"Haha ok well its already 8 so go take a shower or something!" Lilly says jokingly.

*Lilly POV*

Me and Harry are snuggled up on the couch watching the notebook. At the end I feel a drop on my head. I look up and see Harry crying.

"I never thought you were emotional..." I tell Harry.

"Well I was just thinking of losing you...." Harry says.

My eyes water up, I smile, ad hug him.

"I love you so much Lilly..." Harry says.

"I love you more Styles...." I say.

"Your the best thing that ever happent to me babe..." Harry says to me.

"Really?" I ask him.

"Yeah..." He say.

"Your the best thing that happent to me to Harry!" I kiss him sweetly, and hear a voice.

"Awwwwwwwww...." I look to see Zayn watching us.

"Stalker much!!!!" I yell.

"Yeah kind of..." Zayn laughs.

"Go away!" Me and Harry say together. Harry and I both throw a pillow at Zayn.

"Hey!" Zayn yells. Me and Harry laugh and continue watching the movie.

"So Zayn how are you and Perrie?" Harry asks.

"Zayn has a girlfriend?" I ask.

"Yeah but they haven't gone public yet..." Harry says.

"Oh cool!" I say.

Zayn responds, "Were great, I was wondering if she can come over later?"

"Sure! I'd love to meet her!" I say.

The door opens to the house.

"Hey Davis!" I say.

"Hey! My girlfriends coming over so Is there somehow you can hide One Direction?" He asks.

"Um ok.... Zayn, Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry HIDE!!!!!" I yell.

We all go outside....

2 minutes later his girlfriend shows up, there in the living room watching 'Finding Nemo'.

10 minutes later it starts raining.

"OH CRAP!" We all complain, we all run in side.

Davis's girlfriend Claire see's them.

"Uhhh Davis..... Why is One Direcion in your house?" She looks at Davis weirdly.

"Suprise...." Davis says.

To be continued................................

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