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Arielle Evans 

After Marcel and I's talk, I walk back into the bedroom and crawl back into the warm bed, snuggling into Harry's chest. He mumbles something incoherent in his sleep and wraps his arm around me, bringing me closer to him. He places a gentle kiss on my forehead before both of us fall asleep.

A few hours later, I wake up tangled in the sheets, but find that Harry is not next to me. I roll off the mattress and neatly make the bed, making sure that every corner is tucked in before walking into the bathroom. I throw my hair up in a bun and quickly rinse my mouth with some of Harry's mouthwash. After what seems like forever, my self-conscious finally decides that I look presentable, so I go downstairs.

Harry and Marcel are in the kitchen, and Marcel smirks at me as I wrap my arms around Harry from behind.

"Good morning, love." he says, turning around and smiling before kissing my forehead. "How did you sleep?"

Marcel glances at me, and I quickly look away before I answer. "Very well, all thanks to you." I poke his nose and he smiles, hugging me again.

"I love you," he whispers in my ear so only I can hear, and I blush.

"I love you." I whisper, and he smiles, chewing on the inside of his cheek.

"Let's make some breakfast, yeah?" he says, this time loud enough for Marcel to hear. "Pancakes sound good, babe?" he asks, and I giggle slightly at the use of the nickname.

"Yeah, sounds great. What can I do to help?"

"Nothing. Sitting down over there would be a great help, because then I don't have to worry that you're working too hard." Harry smirks, and I frown playfully but sit on the counter as directed. Suddenly, there is a pounding noise coming from the foyer, and I look up at Harry in alarm. He puts the bowl of pancake batter down, and he walks into the foyer, and I slowly follow behind him, keeping my distance. Harry opens the door, and in comes the one boy who I do not want to see, at all.

"Arielle." Mason exhales, and I roll my eyes, walking back into the kitchen with a huff. "No, Arielle, wait, please!" Mason begs, and I sigh but turn around.

"What is it, Mason?" I huff, blowing a stray strand of hair out of my face. "It's been almost six months, can you just get over yourself and stop trying? I mean, you can't just show up to my boyfriend's house and demand that I talk to you!"

"Arielle, please, just listen to me." Mason pleads. I look at Harry willingly, and he nods and goes back into the kitchen understandingly.

"You have two minutes." I huff, although my self-conscious keeps reminding me that even two minutes is too long.

"Look, it all felt wrong with Ashley and every single time I kissed her, or every time I said 'I love you' to her, I kept thinking that it was you, and it wasn't her, and Arielle, I am not in love with her, I am in love with you. She broke up with me because yesterday she kissed me and I accidentally said 'Arielle' even though I meant Ashley, and hell, Arielle, I want you back so badly." Mason rants without pausing to take a breath.

"1 minute." I say, annoyed.

"I want you back so bad, I know you belong with me, and you know it too. You know that Harry isn't the right person for you, and that I am, and Arielle, all I want is another chance. I am still so in love with you, and I can't even see another girl without thinking about you. All I'm asking for is another chance."

"Well, guess what? You're not getting one! You broke my heart one too many times, Mason!" I yell. "You thought it was a game to play with my heart, and then to see how I would react! Yo never cared about me, and I sure as hell know that you don't still love me, because you never have. Harry is a much better boyfriend than you, Mason, and guess what? I'm in love with him. We are done, Harry is the one for me, and boy, do I know it. So please, for your sake and mine, stop pretending you care and just leave me alone." I scream, tears threatening to spill from the corners of my already watery eyes.

"I can't leave you alone, Ari. You mean the world to me, why don't you understand that? I have always been in love with you, always. Not a day goes by when I don't think of you. Please, just give me another chance. If not to be your boyfriend, then at least to be your friend." Mason begs.

"Why would I want you as my friend? You crushed my heart, Mason, not once, but several times." I spit, looking away from him so he doesn't see the tears that are ready for takeoff.

"Please, Arielle." he pleads, his voice almost a whisper.

"Alright." I say finally, looking away from him. I swallow the dry lump in my throat, but it only gets bigger. "We can be friends, but nothing more. Harry is my boyfriend now. You cannot and will not even dare to try anything, because if you hurt me, we both know that Harry will literally kill you. Is that understood? Friends. Nothing more." I reiterate. A look of relief washes over Mason's face, and the corners of his lips curl up in a grin.

"Okay. Friends." he smiles and extends his arm. I shake it without looking at him.

""Kay, can you leave now? I'm pretty sure Harry's gonna be pissed if you stay any longer." I ask without making any eye contact with him.

He chuckles dryly. "Yeah, sure. See you soon, friend." With that, he is out the door, and I close it before entering the kitchen again.

If only I were to know that when I entered, all hell would break loose.


"What were you thinking?" Harry fumes. "He hurt you more than once, Ari, and now you want to be his friend?"

"It's just being friends, Harry, nothing more. He can't hurt me now." I whimper, afraid of this new, angry Harry.

"Yes, he can! He can, and he will!" Harry shouts, and Anne comes down the stairs, looking startled. Her expression turns to horrified when she sees my petrified expression and Harry yelling at me.

"Harold Edward Styles! Stop yelling this instant!" she shouts, and Harry freezes.

"Hi Mom." he squeaks randomly.

"What on earth are you screaming at poor Arielle about this early in the morning?" Anne asks, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"No, I deserved it. I'm sorry, I should go." I wiggle out of Anne's grasp and run out the door, not caring that I must look like total crap right now. I run down the street when I feel a firm hand grasp my arm, and I cry out. Thinking it is Mason, I turn around, annoyed. But what I see scares me even more than Harry yelling at me.



"Let go of me!" I wail as Seth pulls me behind a nearby tree, his grasp on me still firm. Tears are streaming down my cheeks now, but I am far too terrified to care.

"Now, now, stop fighting." Seth whispers, his stinky breath hot on my neck. He tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear, and I screw my eyes shut, wanting this all to be over. I whisper four words before all I can see is black.

"Please save me, Harry."

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