Beyond Control!

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[Bakugou Katsuki]

I was on my way to recovery girl's office to get some pills for my upcoming heat. I could feel it and I wanted to hurry up and get it out of my head. Due to desperation, as soon as I opened the office door, I told her what I needed.

Recovery girl was tending on another patient at the moment and that was Uraraka.
Fuck. She heard me. She knows that I'm an Omega now.

Recovery girl gave me what I needed and smiled at me and I left as quick as I could. Uraraka followed me outside.

"Don't follow me." I sassed.

"Oooh, lookie here, who would've thought that the top student of UA, Bakugou Katsuki, was an Omega all along?"

"I'm not an omega! I'm an alpha!"

"It's okaay! Your secret's safe with me!" She insisted. Bullshit, why the fuck did it turn out like this?

"Hmm.. Unless.." She runs in front of me.

"You do as I say!"

"No way! No. Fucking. Way!"

"It's fine if you don't want to.. But it'll be a shame if you were to be assaulted since you have a really dreamy smell.." She sighed dreamily and my face flushed. This bitch was also an alpha. And I don't want to risk myself by rejecting her.

I scowl and continue walking for the classroom.
"So what the fuck is it that I have to do?"

"Hmm.. Then treat Deku-kun better! Apologize and become friends with him! It's the only thing I can help him with."

Fuck that. Why the hell do I have to apologize to that piece of shit!? That doesn't make any sense!

"No way."
And I walk away. I don't have time for her games.

[The classroom]

It's here. My heat. In the middle of class. I don't have a fucking clue of how round face stole shit from me, It was tight on my hold for fuck's sake!

I sigh. I glare at her and she gives me a dorky smile while waving my packet in the air. Fuck that bitch. I'm not going to wait for it, I'm getting out of class before shit is too late.

I stand up from my seat and everyone looks at me.
"Bakugou? What are you doing?" Aizawa says in monotone.
"Kacchan?" Deku calls out.

"I'm going to the bathroom." And I leave. I was already in the front when someone whispered.

"W-What's that smell..?"

"I-It's an o-omega!"

"N-No way! I-Is he..!?"

I quickly dash off, my face flushed. I ran off to the bathroom and hid in a stall. Someone's going to come for me if I don't hide. I feel it, my arousal. And I am SO tempted right now to do jack shit. I slid off my pants and start to slowly stroke myself, taking my time. I keep myself quiet as much as I can by taking my jacket off and biting it down, muffling my voice. By the time I was almost done, somebody enters the bathroom. I'm fucked. Like seriously. I can feel it. It's an alpha. If I want my chastity to stay safe I have to run.

I quickly fix my clothes and opened the stall door about to run when my arm was caught by the boy.

"Let go!" I yell, face flushed. I have to get away or I'll submit to him. I look his direction and he was blushing bright red with his eyes half lidded and didn't let go of my arm.

"You didn't tell me you were an omega Kacchan.." He's starting to get too close. I yank my arm away and quickly dashed off.

No, not him please.
This thing can fucking change people.

I came across the cafeteria and realized that it was already lunchtime. I rush off to the rooftop. I'm totally gonna get fucked at this rate.

Once I reached the area, I went behind the small tank that stood tall on one side to finish my business.

But before I could even sit,
I recognize that voice.
"What is it, shitty hair-"
I couldn't finish when Kirishima pounced on me. He quickly used his hardening and pinned my arms to the side of my head as he tackled me on the ground.

"Let me go, fucker!!" I squirm in his grip. I try to kick him off but he kept nibbling on my neck.

I start to tear. This guy right here was my best friend. But because of these crazy hormones we have, it'll be all over.


The rooftop door opens. Wait, is that!? N-No way!

Todoroki kicks Kirishima away but Kirishima's hardening couldn't be stopped. He started to get angry and his face was dark. I could feel his anger too and it was scary. Kirishima looks up at him and in that instant, Todoroki kicked his face, making Kirishima fly into the air.
Okay, while you two are busy I'm just going to-

"Bakugou, Where are you going?" Shitface asks.

"Fuck you, I'm going home!"

Todoroki just smiled in satisfaction and went back to fighting shitty hair.

Is he trying to charm me? Fuck him, I'm not that easy!!

And so I went home. And there I was attacked by my own mother and when she saw that it was just me,
"Fuck, Katsuki!! Anything bad happened!?"

"Yeah, almost got fucked by three other guys."

"Did one get through?"

"No way in hell."


And that is the first one! Wheeeeeezeeee 😫😂 

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