Part Six

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With foamy thoughts and sensitive vision, Clayton finally woke. The light from the window next to him sunk in slants as the sun rose. Since it was still early yet, he considered going back to sleep when his head immediately turned.

That's where he saw the motionless body of Oren, hair tasseled as it pressed against the armrest of Clayton's recliner. 'So he wasn't just some dream.. He's real.' thought Clayton. He kept his eyes steady for a moment, taking the precious time to keep watch of the elf beside his recliner.

After what seemed like an eternity, Clayton urged himself to get up and go see his mother. "Mom must've been so confused when she came home." the human thought aloud, his voice shushed as to not wake Oren.

Clayton headed for the staircase but before anything else, he whirled around and chanced a glance behind him. He trotted up the two flights of stairs, soon reaching the hallway that led to his bedroom, bathroom and a spare room that was occupied by his mother.

"Mom? Can I come in?" he raised a fist to knock, but her reply interrupted the gesture. He turned the doorknob and entered, only to see Ava sipping coffee as she was still dressed in a worn purple nightgown. She had dark splotches under her eyes, suggesting that she was void of sleep the whole night. Her eyebrows were weak, but still full as they caved in with concern. Clayton took a step forward, silent and awkward. "Well," he blurted, "I'm awake. Do you need anything?"

"No. I just need to know why you have a creature sleeping next to you." she smiled innocently, though her tone was harsh and demanding for a quick, efficient answer. Clayton winced, shoulders tensing and his eyes darted to the side.

"He's not some creature. I found him that way. You wouldn't understand. He has no other place to go. If he were a stray cat or dog, you'd happily take him in." her son placed a hand on his hip and raised an eyebrow.

"Besides, Oren doesn't mean any harm. He's... I dunno, antsy. He's really keyed up from the change, that's for sure." Clayton felt his heart squeeze painfully in his chest, yet brushed it off as his anxiety getting the better of him.

"Still, you can't have someone over--"

"--without telling you. Right." echoed Clayton as he rolled his eyes. "Mom, I'm not twelve anymore. I'm literally a year past the legal age of adultery. Oren... He's the only person I can trust in a long while. Just once, let me have this."

Ava was silent, and that was Clayton's moment to leave.

He quietly shut the door behind himself and he heard nothing but his own pulse thundering through his ears. He was surely worked up over his mother's habits, but he could just faintly grip the logical side of it. Oren was a stranger, so she had the right to be cautious of him, especially when he's sleeping right next to her son. As he trudged back down the stairs, he came to see the hunched form of a somnolent elf.

Oren was... a mess, really, there was no other word for it.

His cloudy hair was a bird's nest, sticking up every which way. His eyes were low-lidded and hazy, his gaze unfocused. Clayton shortly reached the bottom of the staircase and Oren looked over, aghast. The human noticed this and shot him a comforting smile, which cooled the tension that made its way into the air. "Morning," he greeted intuitively. "How'd you sleep?"

Oren watched with delicate, sharp eyes as the human approached. "Good." he simply replied. His hand threaded through his white hair, fingers smoothing out any knots that wiggled their way onto his head. He suddenly perked up, eyes gleaming in the morning light. "You know, I might actually get used to this. Your home is cozy." His sultry laugh was just shy of a giggle, which startled Clayton.


As of now, Clayton was sitting cross-legged on his bed, resting his back against the wall as Oren sat across from him. The human of the two decided to do trust exercises to build their relationship. Oren asked before anything if it was dangerous, to which Clayton rolled his eyes and simply told him to calm down. His pale hands rested in his lap as he stared into Clayton's dull teal eyes. The taller of the two just laughed and leaned forward slightly. Almost on instinct, Oren pressed back with a gasp.

"Give me your hand." Clayton ordered, extending his own for Oren to grab. The hand that rested in his lap obediently raised and rested in Clayton's open palm. He let it sink into the skin and allowed his fingers to unravel in the warmth.

"Um, why are we doing this one?" Oren faltered for a moment, his eyes fixated on their connected hands. It was unbelievably warm - something that Oren has never felt in a while. Such an experience will leave someone wanting more of it until they're drowning. The mere thought sent a shiver to crawl up his spine.

"Because," he remarked. "it shows you I won't scratch you or squeeze too tight. You trusted me enough to put your hand in mine, which means these stupid exercises are working." Clayton laughed, swiping his thumb over the back of Oren's hand. Then, easily ruining the moment, the door opened and in came an excited mother.

She announced elatedly, "I made dinner!" Her gaze rolled over Oren before she smiled. Her son just sat there, puzzled but inwardly yelling at his mother for interrupting the activity.Clayton slowly let go of Oren's hand, his fingertips lingering over the skin for a second before pulling back. He stood from the bed and headed for his door. Oren was still sitting there, head hanging low as he delved into his sea of thrashing thoughts.

Clayton carefully took the two plates of food from his mother's hands. "You didn't have to, Mom... but thanks a lot." he turned back to Oren, who now seemed to be zoning out. He turned back to Ava. "Does this mean he gets to stay?" he whispered, voice so low that it was out of earshot of Oren. She nodded with a motherly smile and kissed his forehead, which she had to lean up to reach it.

"As long as he makes you happy. Now eat your dinner before it gets cold."


Thanks for reading Part Six!

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