Part Twenty-Four

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A male voice sprung from behind the closed curtains, and for some reason when Oren tried to pull away, Clayton stayed in place. He was calm and rather smug and his hands only tightened around Oren's back. The elf looked up at him, confused before the curtains were jerked back.

A towering boy looked down to them, angular hazel eyes painted in shock as he froze. His chiseled face and sculpted body dwarfed Clayton's slightly muscular form. His tall, mature figure made Oren look like a child in comparison. His curly chocolate hair clung to his ruddy face with sweat and his broad shoulders were tense. Dressed in the school's sweat-covered silky basketball uniform, the boy stood motionless as he took in the sight before him.

Oren squeaked, desperately trying to wriggle his way out of Clayton's grasp. His wide almond-shaped eyes were latched onto the boy's, only to reflect the panic in his chest. On the other hand, the unnamed boy watched in amusement as he placed a hand on his hip.

"Wow Clay. Through our five years of friendship, you didn't tell me you swung that way." he laughed lightheartedly and closed the curtain behind him, ambling over to the two of them. Oren was scared beyond belief, so all he could do to defend himself was wave his hands, too tired to use any plant as a shield.

"You've got no room to talk, Ethan." Clayton replied with a sharp tongue, now gazing up to Oren through dark, aware eyes. "Besides, I know you wouldn't have cared either way. It's not like it changes me." He spoke in a playful and relaxed manner, which meant the two were close. Much closer than Oren expected.

"Yeah but now you got a boy to play with." Ethan justified with a cackle as he sat down next to the couple. He reached out to Oren and his rough fingers tugged at Oren's pointed ear. "A cute one too. This one's a keeper, nice catch." The elf scrunched up his face and retracted from the hand, fists clenching handfuls of Clayton's shirt as they sat quietly.

"Don't treat him like a fish, dude."

At this, Ethan guffawed and clapped the blond's back, causing Oren to jump in his strong hold. "Well what's the boy's name, eh?" he inquired. Clayton finally let go of Oren and adjusted his clothes, smoothing over the wrinkles in the cotton. His eyes reviewed Oren for a moment before setting some distance between them.


"Orn? As in, the 'orn' that follows the 'p'?" Ethan cocked his head to the side, brown locks falling with the movement.

Oren flared up with heat and shook his head rapidly. "No! Oren! Or-en. There's an 'e' between the 'or' and 'n'." Clayton laughed, and Ethan made the shape of an 'o' with his mouth as he mentally put the pieces together. The brunet gave the elf a once-over before grinning cheekily.

"Nice to meet you, Oren." he shot a hand out and watched the elf intently, "I'm Ethan." Oren gave his open hand a weird stare, but he shook Ethan's hand anyway. His small porcelain hand cupped the calloused, larger one of Ethan's. Noticing the drastic difference, the brunet yanked Oren's hand forward and looked it over once more.

"Holy shit, Clay do you see these hands?? They're so fucking smooth! Like a girl's, but perfecter..." he gawked. Clayton rolled his eyes at the constant profanity, but looked over anyway. Oren's hands were indeed smooth and pale in complexion, the only thing staining them would be the freckles that ran up and down both of his arms and the back of his 'perfecter' hands, as Ethan put it.

"Yeah, they're hands. Wow." Clayton's shoulders slacked as he swatted Ethan's hands away from his boyfriend's. "Plus, these hands aren't girly when they're in action trust me." he winked at the elf and laughed along with Ethan. Oren was beyond red-faced... or, green-faced. He felt like an observation subject, under the eyes of scientists... Either that, or the prey under the attention of burly predators.

"I'm a living person too." Oren spoke aloud, biting his lip as he shifted in the spot he sat in. The bandages on his knuckles stretched every time he moved his hand, which added on to the level of uneasiness he felt when between two larger, muscly boys. Ethan clapped the elf's shoulder and smiled genuinely.

"I know! But understand from my point of view... You're a regular basketball athlete and you walk into the clinic to get an ice-pack to cool off after practice. Then you hear these sexy noises coming from behind a closed curtain and you open the curtains and see a fUckiN ELF!" he went owl-eyed, motioning his hands around as he spoke.

"Sexy noises?" Oren repeated.

"Yep. Didn't you hear yourselves? Lots of heavy breathing and whimpering."

Oren's face flushed with a leafy green and Ethan reeled back with a shriek.


With a huff, Oren plopped onto Clayton's bed and chucked his backpack to the ground. The bandage on the bridge of his nose was peeling from his skin and he desperately tried to keep it on. Luckily, Clayton knew where the bandages were and fetched one. The elf sat patiently on his bed.

Clayton walked back into the room and shut the door behind himself. Oren scrunched his face up when he pulled on the sticky part of the band-aid. With a yank and a short yelp, the bandage was off and Clayton was gently rubbing the bruise that laid purple and black on the bridge of Oren's nose.

The human caressed the elf's cheek and smoothed the new bandage over the wound, his hands brushing over Oren's lips before pulling back. He closed his fingers around the point of Oren's ear and grinned, rolling the skin to make the elf squirm. Then, a wicked grin appeared on the blond's lips. He began to tickle the boy and he instantly felt the atmosphere light up.

"Clayton, that tic-- eh-ahaha!" Oren jerked forward and swatted at the hands running down his neck. For some reason, his sweet spot was just below his jawline and an inch down at his neck.

He writhed backwards on the bed and Clayton followed with crawling fingers. Oren backed up until he was trapped between the wall and the blond, kicking weakly and pushing Clayton's chest as he was attacked by wriggling fingers.

Although his fit of hasty laughter was melodic to Clayton's ears, he knew the elf was running out of breath from the strain. He pulled away briefly to let the poor boy breathe. He leaned down and gently kissed under Oren's jawline, right where the sweet spot laid beneath his skin.


Thanks for reading Part Twenty-Four!

(it's 7:49 AM and I haven't gotten sleep yet help)

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