Part Twenty-Three

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The burning rage hissed through his body like deathly poison, demanding a release in the form of unwanted violence. It was like a volcano erupting; fury sweeping off of the elf like ferocious waves. The wrath consumed his moralities and obliterated the boundaries of his loyalty. He shoved James off of him, making the taller boy stumble back.

There was a pause before James acted. He grabbed a hold of Oren's ear and shoved him backwards, causing the elf's head to hit the wall. Oren turned back before James pressed a hand to the side of his skull, slamming Oren's head to the wall. "You wanna go, bud? I'll rip you apart and don't you doubt me." the boy spat, his voice coming out hoarse.

With a pain running through his head, Oren kicked the boy in the gut and rubbed his face, pausing as James threw a blow to his nose. The elf snapped back with a whimper of pain, as cheers followed from the class. The elf knew something was damaged as he reached up to feel a thick, warm liquid dribbling down his nose and onto his lip.

"You're fucking disgusting." James shot forward and grabbed a fistful of Oren's hair, tugging back. The elf yelped at the sting, but found some sort of power in it as he twisted out of the boy's grip. He yanked his head away and tackled James as they toppled to the floor. Oren dug his knee into the boy's ribs, receiving whoops from bystanders. Oren raised his hand, ready to punch when a sting erupted at the palm of his hand.

He clenched his hand into a fist, trying to contain the plant that wanted to come out oh so badly. Instead, he threw one punch at the boy's jaw and soon one punch had turned into a fit of pounding at the boy. He heard a crack half way through but that's not what stopped him.

What made him come to a halt was the recognition of the large prickly plant that slipped from his grasp. It wrapped around James' neck quickly and squeezed tightly, thorns digging into the ruddy skin as it grew in length to wrap around his limbs and pin him to the floor.

The class was now silent.

Oren opened his palm and allowed the rest to let loose, causing the plants to shoot out like venom from a snake's fang. A flurry of vines had large multi-colored leaves and prickly sides as they engulfed wrapped around the human below him.

The other plants were a mixture of sharp muddy trifoliates, with a set of jagged canines in the center. The plants all latched onto James' body, deathly and poisonous toxins entering the human's bloodstream.

The brunet went from thrashing to laying completely still, his face bloody with nasty purple patches and a dislocated jaw. Oren was soon pulled back from the body and the prickly greens detached from his skin, leaving him with bruised knuckles and a battered bloody nose. The pain ebbed further as the sticky blood ran down his seething lips.

He turned to see who held him, only to relax when he saw the worried face of Clayton. Clayton's hands were wrapped around his shoulders from behind, dragging him away from the detestable scene. Still dazed and overtaken by adrenaline, Oren allowed the blond to lead him to an empty corner of the classroom.

"Oren, snap out of it. Come on, look at me." Clayton muttered hastily, tapping the side of the elf's face as he slid the boy down the wall. He crouched and rested a hand on the elf's shoulder. "Calm down. Breathe." Oren slowed his panicked breath to the voice, not even realizing he was hyperventilating until now.

Once he came to, Oren looked down to his knuckles and wiggled his fingers, wincing as he did so. The red blood that dripped down his chin fell onto the floor, leaving him confused as he wiped the blood from his lips. He looked up, eyes focused though petrified. "Clayton," he muttered, "what did I just do..?"

Clayton reached forward and gently stroked the boy's white hair, scooting closer. "You're okay." he opened his arms, and Oren recoiled in fear of hurting the human. The elf was shaking his head frightfully, trying to press himself further into the corner.

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