Part Fourteen

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Clayton slipped on his heavy boots and threw the leather bag over his shoulder, leaning up to adjust his glasses. Without having to say anything, Oren perked up and threw on a pair of white socks, searching for the shoes Clayton bought him a while back.

With a quirked eyebrow, Clayton began lacing his boots. The elf did seem a little panicked today, as if anticipating something big. Clayton switched to his other boot as he watched Oren from his periphery. He was hastily tying the snowy white laces to his converses, tucking the dangling strings between his ankle and cushion of the shoe.

"Well, you already know I'm going to class. Where are you going?" the blond laughed, to which he could see the faintest leafy blush spread over Oren's cheeks. He chewed his lip and brushed back a loose strand of short white hair.

"I want to come with you."

Clayton almost choked on air. "Y-You what?! Don't you know college is a literal nightmare??" he asked, sitting back on his heels as the propelled himself upwards to stand. He gave the kneeling elf an incredulous look, as if he'd decided to go skydiving in the middle of a storm.

"Yeah, but I hate being alone here." Oren pouted, and stood up with ease as he finished tying his laces. "Besides, this is a good chance to introduce me to new people!"

  "Oh.. Oh you don't know how this fucked up world works, do you?" Clayton pinched the bridge of his nose, stepping forward with a sigh. "These ears," he pinched Oren's ear, to which the elf winced and bat his hand away, "will get you in some big trouble." Oren shrunk back, but still kept a firm, sure expression. "Today's generation is selfish."

     Despite his rant, Oren's determined stare failed to wither. He stood there, eyebrows certain and eyes confident. Clayton was rather taken aback by his want for this, even through his little tangent. He let out a gentle huff of breath and placed a hand on his hip, head tilting.

    "You seem dead on about this huh."

    "Yep." the elf replied.

    "Are you sure?"



    As Clayton parked in the parking lot, Oren felt his heart hammer against his ribcage. Although he was so sure about this earlier, he began to re-think and grew a little anxious. Clayton looked over from the driver's side, a soft smirk pulling at his lips as he unlocked the vehicle.

   "Well there's no turning back now, is there? C'mon, let's go before we're late." He opened the door and ducked to leave, slamming the door shut upon exit. Oren inhaled slowly, and exhaled to shake out all his doubts and fears.

    He exited the car and grabbed at the bag Clayton gave him before they sped off at risky speeds. "Let's just say.. you're a guest. This college is pretty oblivious so they'll believe it easily. Maybe that's why it's so cheap." Clayton turned around and waited for Oren to catch up before grabbing his wrist and dragging him along.

    As they approached the massive, burly gate that concealed the college campus, Clayton fished out an ID from his bag and displayed it to the scanner before it flashed a bright green. "Well, the security system isn't dumb. That's about the only thing nice about this place." Oren laughed at that as he pushed the gate open. He walked a winding path to the main building, the towering dorms to the left of the school and another two whole wings to the right.

    As Oren followed like a lost puppy, he glanced around as Clayton strolled a beeline to a certain classroom that was on the second floor. When Clayton entered, the elf reached a hand up to feel his ear, looking to the side as his eyebrows crinkled.

The blond sighed and ushered the boy in, carefully watching how the students reacted. Most of them didn't really mind, looking too tired to care. A few students, who Clayton knew very well for bullying new kids, snickered and their whispers filled the classroom.

    "You'll be fine. Just stay by me." he whispered, pulling Oren into the class as he shut the door behind them. The professor turned around and pushed her glasses further up her nose as her calculating gaze rolled over Oren's timid form. She smiled warmly and stood from her swivel chair, hobbling over with her cane as a strand of graying hair fell over her eyes.

     "Good morning young man." she greeted in a kind tone. Oren tensed for a moment but smiled nonetheless, his movements now growing nervous.

    "Good morning miss." he uttered, to which Clayton silently rolled his eyes and took a seat in the front left corner of the classroom. The few students who caused a racket earlier suddenly burst out with laughter, one doubled over and another banging their fist on the table.

    "He's a literal sheep!" a boy guffawed, pointing to his own head as a girl next to him howled with laughter. Noticing this, Oren reached a hand up to his white hair and felt the strands tangle together under the pads of his fingers. The professor didn't seem to like this, and she actually whirled around and clapped her hands twice.

     "Listen up! We will be nice to this visitor. No name-calling, James. You all act like some fifth-graders." she then turned back to Oren with a sweet simper. "What is your name sweetie?"

     "Um, Oren." he replied with a shy tremor in his figure. The professor shot her hand out and he shook it.

     "Welcome to Souers University, Oren. I'm Mrs. Grets, also known as the old lady by these runts." she pointed a thumb at the students behind her, and as Oren peeked over her frail shoulder, he could see Clayton reading a hard-cover book, bored eyes skimming the lines of text as the class stretched on. Is this what he does all the time..?

       "Please take a seat, Oren. Class begins shortly."


Thanks for reading Part Fourteen!

and the angst begins :')

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