Part Thirty (End?)

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Clayton carefully approached the being that sat curled up in a ball. Noticing the white hair and folded elf ears, he instantly relaxed. There he was. He was safe. Clayton sauntered up to him and bent down on a knee, tapping the elf's shoulder gently. Oren turned to the human and smiled widely, shooting up to catch him in a hug.

"I see you're awake." Oren's smile shifted to a cheery grin. "Don't you like this place? No humans. No technology. No pollution. Clayton, this is amazing." Oren sounded utterly awed. Clayton could see the wonder and reverence clear in his eyes.

"Yeah, it's fascinating, but.. Why'd you come here? Is something bothering you?" Clayton asked, now sitting on the ground next to the elf. Oren paused, seeming to be in thought.

"It just... called to me. I didn't want to be around that world of yours. It all looks too broken, but I know this may seem like a too-good-to-be-true fantasy to you." Oren looked down and fiddled with a white flower on the ground. "I like this place. It suits me more than the over-world."

Clayton slackened. Had he not seen the woman dressed in fiery colors? The one who disappeared in a ball of light? "Yeah, I understand that. But... Have you seen the woman who lives here?"

Oren shook his head. "I thought I created it.. It's not supposed to welcome strangers in."

Clayton grinded his jaw nervously. "She spoke to me while I was trying to find you. She said she made this world and wasn't finished. You must've interrupted her work." Clayton tried to put it as gently as possible, but Oren scoffed.

"You think it's my fault? I didn't even know someone was behind all of this. You could've told me sooner.. Everything would've made so much more sense." he bickered.

"No, I'm not saying it's anyone's fault. I just found out by speaking to her a few minutes ago. She might've stayed and we can catch up to her if we're quick enough." Clayton replied, frowning.

"I thought this was going to be a private place, where there's no bizarre things happening to me. To us. A safe place, like your bedroom. I-" he remembered feeling a pair of eyes scrutinizing him before he fell asleep last night. "That must've been her if she's the one behind this portal thing. But how did she know that we'd... go here..?" he trailed off into thought and Clayton lolled his head back against his shoulder blades.

"This is getting nowhere." Clayton made an effort to get up, but he was dragged back down by the elf.

"It might seem like it, but I think I can grasp what's going on now. This might be a reach, but I think the sand could be linked to the woman you saw. So that must mean she's Euthenia, you know, the Guide on my phone. Mind you, I'm thinking all of this is linked. That's why the phone acted strange when I disabled her. The holes in the temple that were blocked by gems, those must be from not finishing the dimension in time before we arrived."

"Explain the rabbit that tried to kill you then." Clayton protested.

"I... I haven't gotten that far." Oren slumped and fell back onto the ground, looking up at the green canopy above them. It made a lovely sight, really. But now that the truth's been revealed about these dimensions, that they were created by some random lady, seems a little disappointing.

"Oren, I know you wanted this to be your thing. Your little happy place..." Clayton's voice rang in the thick air, splitting the silence. "but I don't think that's what the woman will think. I don't know where she is now, but maybe--"

A deafening screech resonated through the air, making Oren's sensitive ears fold back against his head. It echoed and bounced, scattering all birds that once rested in the treetops. Oren shot up and looked around with wide eyes. There was nothing to his left, but when he turned right he could just barely see the rising particles of a hungry yellow flame. The ashes lifted and caught onto tree leaves.

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