Them: The Beginning.

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Rose received a message from her father's office. It said, "Dear Miss Rose, I am Evelina Hurst, your father's assistant. He wishes for you to receive tutoring in behaviour changes. A boy from the Hantov district has been chosen (despite your father's objections) for his cheap prices. Expect him within a few days. Yours sincerely, Miss Hurst." Rose looked out over the garden. Robert appeared next to her, and muttered, "I hate this house, but I love you." Rose jumped, and looked at the boy. He wasn't attractive, his face was covered in acne and he was very overweight. Rose sighed, and forced herself to kiss him. Robert laughed in his annoying voice. He handed Rose a bouquet of snapdragons and chrysanthemums. He shouted, "You! Garden boy! Put these away!" and the boy turned around, stood taller than Robert, ripped muscles over a mixed skin tone, sky-blue eyes, jet black hair, chiselled jawline, workers hands and creased clothes with an oil stain over a "Hantov District 09281" cloth patch. It was Blade. He spoke in his deep voice, "Excuse me? I am Rose's tutor, and she is late to her lesson. Rose!" and Rose was keen to escape Robert. The staff looked admiringly at Charles "Blade" Hantov. Rose followed the boy, and as they walked inside, Rose said, "Thanks, uh, 09281. What's your real name?" Blade laughed, and said, "I was born in Markov, and then my mother moved to the suburbs. I, uh, stabbed her? We ran, and Hunter Hantov taught us stuff, and I was renamed Blade. But my name is Charles Hantov.  Uncle of Mary Hantov, Hunter's daughter." Rose asked, inquisitively, "How old are you? Twenty? Twenty five?" Blade's eyes twinkled, and he said, "Servants shouldn't reveal that, but I'm fifteen." Rose coughed, and looked suprised, "But, how can you have a job! You're far too young!" Blade looked sad, and said, "Ace was working from two, and Dash from six, and Flash has only just got a job. He's four. Now, lesson" They pulled into an old study. Blade got a page of parchment and a pen. He said, "First lesson."

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