First day back

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Anna was happy to be back at the race track. To see her uncle race again was amazing. Its crazy that she had been gone so long. She knew her mother couldny afford it. But she was so happy there. The was actually really depressed. Her friends were acting weird and she just wanted to be happy. Her first night she was excited but she didnt realize the change that would come to her. Ger grandpa made her day. Her summer. Her life. She fell in love with the sport.  Many would say that it wasnt a sport. They say you sont train for it like you would. Actual sport. Or in video games you train yourself to get better. At least thats what her friend Colin says. But training is fixing the car after a crash. Putting the car together. Many make thier own engines.  Many weld thier cars together. That is their traing. Thats how they get better. But many dont see it that way. Anna, she sees it as a sport. She always got really into it and just had a instant live for it. She went every friday. Soon she started to really watch and cheer on other people. She started to cheer for a kid she went to school with. And an older one named Jake in 4 cylinders. That was her first year she noticed how much effort and love goes into these cars. She didnt notice him out there on the track that first year. But her second year she did. That number 21 stood out. He was doing amazing. He had his ups and downs during the season he flipped a couple of times. She always watched and cheered from afar he had her support. He always will. He was only in 4 cylinder at that time. He waljed by her almost every fridsy night. He never noticed she looked at him. He was just a dorky looking kid. Messy curly hair. And brown eyes. She melted in his eyes. They were gorgeous. She couldnt stop staring at him. He would only give a little smirk. Or a half smile. But one night he smiled big and anna knew that she would never have a chance with him. That smile. Melted her. That smile showed his deep dimples. And it fit his face so good. She never knew that he could look so good. But he did. He looked amazing. So amazing that she couldnt get over it.
   They both turned 18 that year. He moved up to street stock. That made her happy. She wanted him to suceed. She wanted him to do better. But she wanted to be by his side. She wanted him. But he didnt even know her.
   She brought a friend with her. And anna told a lady at the races that she had a small crush on him. Who wouldnt.  He had something about him that she couldn't get passed.  He was so kind. He seemed good with kids but she had a problem. his girlfriend was gorgeous. she was blond and just slightly taller than average height. she seemed perfect. Except the fact that dirt seemed to bother her. That always made Anna laugh. its crazy how much she found funny. but she had to laugh at something. a life would be nothing without a good laugh. but this kid drove her crazy. He seemed great for her. She cheered for him that whole season. 

   that summer was rough for Anna. Its the summer before college. she gained a new friend dropped an old friend. its crazy how much her life had changed. She wanted to move out of state for college but it just didn't seem to be on her side. when she went to visit the school she got bad news. her aunt had passed away form cancer as she was halfway to the school. they didn't turn back though. then the awards letters came in and it was so much for her to go that she had to change it. but now they offered her more money to go to cher dream school. She couldn't be happier. 

   Anna was really determined to live her life outside of her hometown. She always felt like she didn't belong in the town. But thanks to college she was on the right track out. Nobody could knock her down. She wasn't going to let anyone or anything come into her life that would bring her down. 

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