The Questions

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Anna was nervous about these questions. They weren't the most personal but there was some that she was scared to answer. She thought about lying on some of them. But she realized that as much as she wanted to run from the past she also had to embrace them because it is what made her the person that she is today.

"I'll start" said Anna. " Each one of us ask 5 questions. and we both have to answer each of them."

"okay," said the kid.

" What is your full name"

"Justin Frenski"

"Okay well mine is Anna Brown,"

"Out of all of your siblings, Which one is your favorite and why? Also which one is your least favorite?" Justin had said that in a weird way. Anna knew that his answer was going to be a good one by the look on her face. They why part is always the part that tells the most of the story. She was looking forward to the answer he was going to give.

" My favorite sibling is a tie between my younger siblings. My brother and Sister because they are so far away and I barely get to talk to them. My least favorite would be the brother that lives with me. Hes 14 now and he is the most annoying thing I have ever met in my life. And he has really bad anger problems so he is kinda scary. Hes also rude and really happy that I left the house."

Well my favorite is youngest brother. He is only a year and a half old. He started to talk and calls me justy. He is adorable. My least favorite is my older brother. Hes 26 and I act more of an adult than he does. I took a year off to look after my my parents and siblings while he went out and partied and just blew off his family. Just thinking about it pisses me off beyond belief."

" Why did you have to take care of everyone?" She was wondering why he had all this put on him at such a young age.

" My dad had a stroke and my mom had just given birth. there are just so many of us that she needed help. I'm the 2nd oldest out of 6 us. My parents are actually my adoptive parents. They only have one kid of their own."

" the idea of a stroke kills me. My grandmas best friend had a stroke last year. I know the effect that she had even though she lived so far away. she still has some problems. but I could never understand the pain of someone in my home to have a stroke and take care of them. That had to have been hard."

"Yeah it was but we all made it through."

" Alright next question. What is your favorite movie."

" All of the Lord of the rings movies. I have always been so fascinated with them."

" Harry potter movies are my favorite movies. but Also any movie with Winnie the Pooh is my favorite. "

"Alright. what is one thing that your friends would say that they hate about you?"

" That's so easy. THey would say that they hate my "I don't care attitude" My friends say that it bothers them because they have to have every little detail planned out but I can just go and do something. like in school my friends literally yelled at me because i didn't do my homework. I told her I didn't care. itll get done. but I always forgot about it. I have really good memory but I also have one of the worst memories. like I can remember names and faces like crazy or certain memories, but when it comes to school it was just hard for me to remember everything. so I kinda sucked at it. "

" Well college is a great place from not remember anything. you'll do great in your classes then." His voice was full of sarcasm. Anna Laughed. My friends would say that they hate how much time I spend on my car. If I'm not with my family I'm usally in the garage fixing up my car for Friday. "

" Whats on Fridays"

" I race in Norfolk. LIke Nascar racing but on dirt."

" I know what is it. I actually wanted to go there. Me and my grandpa and friend goes to them every Friday back at home. our track is kinda trash but its still my favorite nights."

"Really. I didn't think youd be into stuff like that."

I have always wanted to drive but I know that I would be really bad at it. and I'm not skinny at all so I always said I wouldn't be able to fit through the window." they both laughed.

" I'm not the skinniest either but I fit. It honestly isn't that bad. Maybe next week you can go to one."

" Yeah. Next summer when I'm back home my uncle will be racing again so I'm actually really excited about it. He hasn't been out there for a few years."

" Why'd he stop?"

" he started to work on it and he built the whole car again so it taking him a while."

" That is awesome. so he built the engine and everything?"

" Yep he did all that and welded it together to. so far it hasn't fallen apart on him. "

"cool. So enough about that. Next question."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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