Chapter Four

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RM's eyes shot open when he thought he heard something. He sat up and looked around, the morning sun shone down on their campsite through the trees, which were smoking in the distance, closer to the mountain. There it was again, but louder. It almost sounded like a pen of chickens. V suddenly sat up, but winced and fell back a bit. Suga stirred.

"Hmm... Chicken? Breakfast?" he mumbled.

"There!" RM stood up and pointed down the shore. Suga sat up to look. Three people were running out of the forest, making little wooping sounds as they ran towards the river.

"Hey!" RM yelled, "Over here!" but they didn't seem to hear him. Suddenly a fourth person appeared in front of the other three. One of them jumped, the other two screamed and fell back. RM looked over to find Suga had disappeared from the campsite.

"It's Jin and J-Hope right?" Tae mumbled from where he lay on his side, one wing curled up and the other bent at a funny angle in the air. His back was facing the others and he didn't have the strength to turn around and look. In the rising sun RM could see his face was ghostly pale. The surge of happiness at finding more of his brothers was suddenly replaced by fear. V had lost too much blood and there was nothing he could do, there was no one around to help them and he couldn't call anyone.

"Yeah, it's Jin, J- Hope, and I think that's Jungkook with them." He replied. V smiled and nodded his head. "Good. Now we just need to find Jimin and we can get out of here."

Suga and the others were all walking back towards the makeshift campsite. In the distance a mass of dark clouds could be seen rolling in. The smell of rain was in the air. Once everyone reached the site there were hugs all around.

"We were running from this dragon in the woods over there!" J-hope said. "I think we lost it though."

"It was breathing fire too! It set fire to the forest over there and it chased us for a while, but we were able to get away because Jungkook here would pick up entire trees and throw them at the thing!" said Jin with jittery excitement.

"So you have super strength or something?" Suga asked Jungkook, but he wasn't paying attention.

"Whoa!! Tae you can fly?! You look just like you do... in... " but Jungkook stopped talking, realizing that V wasn't even slightly listening, he had completely passed out. Jungkook turned to RM "Is he ok?"

Jin and J-Hope sat nearby listening to RM's response. "No. He was attacked by the dragon yesterday. It clawed his arm and broke his wing. He's lost too much blood. I'm... I'm not sure..." he trailed off, looking at V concerned. Everyone sat there for a moment in silence.

"OH!" Jin suddenly yelled, startling everyone. Even V woke up a little and looked around, happy to see everyone there. "Taehyung! I have healing powers! I almost forgot!!" He came over and helped V to sit up against a nearby rock and unwrapped jacket that bandaged his arm. The claw marks looked horrible and were beginning to fester. Jin hovered his hands over the wound, but stopped.

"Ok, this is going to hurt, I helped J-Hope and Jungkook to heal wounds they had that weren't this bad and it hurt them. J-Hope can relieve the pain a bit by giving you a good emotion to focus on if you want."

V nodded. J-Hope came over to V's other side and put his hand on V's uninjured shoulder. His hand began to glow, but V's vacant expression didn't change.

"He's pretty far gone. My power barely effects him." J-Hope said worriedly. Jin placed his hands over the claw marks. V flinched, forcing Jin and J-Hope to have to steady him. V's expression became pained. Suga, RM, and Jungkook all watched nervously. The dark clouds had blocked the sun and rain began to drizzle down.

After two long minutes Jin moved his hands from V's arm to his wing and the others gasped and leaned forward to get a closer look. Where once had been three horrible gashes in V's arm there wasn't even a scar. The color had completely returned to his face as well. For a moment he seemed at peace as he sat there propped against the rock, but moving on to his wings was a lot more painful and his face began to contort. His eyes shot open and he flinched violently away from Jin, flapping his wings causing feathers to fly. As the rain began to come down harder the force of the wind from his wings threw Jin and J-hope back. J-Hopes hand fell from V's shoulder. Instantly V yelled and fell back against the rock. Without J-hopes power the pain was twice as bad. He went still and he just stared into the distance, his breathing still rapid.

"I think he's in shock" RM said as he sat back down. At V's outburst he had stood up to help, but there wasn't anything he could do now. Jin and J-hope picked themselves back up and tried again. V winced and twitched, but with J-Hopes help he was able to power through. Healing up the broken bones in his wings took a little longer, but when Jin and J-hope sat back, the wings looked a lot better.

"Taehyung, can you move your wings?" Jin asked. V blinked and came to a bit, but didn't say anything. He sat up from the rock and extended his wings that were as tall as he was on either side and flapped them twice, sending the ash from the fire right at Jungkook, marking up his white shirt.

"Aish! Tae?! Dude!" Jungkook exclaimed, looking down at his shirt trying to brush off the ash that stuck to his already wet shirt. He ran over and punched V playfully on the arm. V laughed, and soon everyone was laughing. He was back.

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