Chapter Thirteen

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"RUN!" Jungkook yelled. V took to the skies. Suga, Jungkook, RM, and Jin disappeared into the tall grass. J-Hope ran after them but stopped. Someone was missing. He looked back to see the dragon had almost reached the water, and there was Jimin. Still sitting with his arms resting on his knees, staring forward. He hadn't even turned invisible.

"JIMIN!" J-Hope yelled and sprinted towards him. He still didn't move a muscle. J-Hope reached him and shook his shoulders. "Jimin! Jimin we've got to go-" suddenly J-Hope knew why he was sitting there. He loved those townspeople. They loved him. He had given up. "Come on Jimin." J-Hope said. His hands now resting on Jimin's shoulders began to glow. "Come on. I know how you're feeling but you've got to think more positively. We'll regroup and we'll find another way!" the dragon had reached the river. It seemed to fly through the water. "The others aren't so willing to give up yet! The dragon needs all its powers to protect this place, not just one!" J-Hope said. Jimin's was still staring blankly out at the water, "Come on!" J-Hope said. The dragon came out of the water. It was only a few yards away from them. J-Hope gave Jimin a hug and stood up. He ran towards the dragon and stood right in its path.

It stopped right in front of him, its face only inches away from his. J-Hope could read its emotions loud and clear. The dragon was enraged. There was only a slight kindness in the beast's mind, but J-Hope could tell it wasn't for them. It had to be for the colony.

J-Hope put his hands on the beasts muzzle and tried to bring it a sense of peace. It continued to stand there, breathing heavily. J-Hope tried to target its feelings for the people of the planet, but he could tell it wouldn't last. A low rumbling growl that rattled his bones told him it wouldn't work. He looked back, still holding off the dragon. Jimin was getting to his feet.

"Go!" he yelled. Jimin looked shocked and began walking towards J-Hope. The dragons growling got louder. "No, go! I'll catch up with you!" J-Hope yelled. Jimin took a couple steps back, then ran. He turned invisible as he went.

J-Hope exhaled and focused on keeping the dragon at bay for as long as possible. He could feel his energy draining from using so much of his power. The dragon began to twitch. It jerked forward. J-Hope wrapped his arms around the beasts muzzle. It shook its head side to side, swinging J-Hope around until he couldn't hang on anymore. With one final whip of the beasts head it threw J-Hope into the air towards the grasslands.

His heart was racing as he plummeted towards the ground. His vision was beginning to blur, he was blacking out. Something slammed into him. V was desperately trying to pull him up. He managed to hold J-Hope in the air by his arms for a minute, but he couldn't keep it up. They were dropping fast. V flapped his wings so much the grass blew aside as though a helicopter was trying to land.

Out of the corner of his eye, V could see the dragon rearing up to its full height. With a great roar it sent a column of flame rushing at them. V ducked so J-Hope was out of the way. They went tumbling into the grass.

They both laid there, trying to catch their breath. V sat up to examine his wings. Their fall had put out the fire, but the feathers were burned and charred. Many of them were falling out. They would have to catch up with the others on foot for sure.

A faint rustling could be heard. V looked towards the sound which was getting louder and louder. He stood up. J-Hope sat up fast. As it grew ever louder they lost track of where it was coming from. It seemed to be all around them.

Jungkook and Suga appeared from the bushes. J-Hope grabbed his heart.

"Aish! Don't scare us like that!" he said.

"Sorry." Jungkook said. "Come on! Let's go!" J-Hope tried to get up, but he was very slow. His energy was almost completely gone. They all helped him up just when the dragon burst through the grass, reaching one clawed hand over them to smash them.

Everything froze.
"Aish!" Suga exclaimed. This was getting intense. Trying not to expend too much of his strength, he dragged J-Hope by his armpits through the grass towards RM, Jin, and Jimin. It took him a few minutes, but he found the three of them standing at the edge of a ravine. RM, whose shirt was sticking to his bloody back was pointing to a dip in the rock that would make for an easy way down the side of the cliff. Jin and Jimin were frozen mid-step towards it. Suga left J-Hope in front of their path so they'd notice him.

He ran back through the grass and brought V back next. He dropped him off right next to J-Hope and ran back for Jungkook. On the way he picked up a big stone he found on the ground. Once he got back, he pulled Jungkook a little ways out of reach of the dragon and unfroze time.

Jungkook was still looking up, but without seeing a big hand coming down on him, he looked around confusedly to see Suga handing him a stone.

The ground shook as the dragon smashed the place where they once stood. Jungkook realized what happened and nodded to Suga, taking the stone from him. Suga backed up further into the grass so as not to get in the way.

The dragon lifted its hand and looked underneath to find nothing there. It roared with rage. Instantly it spotted them and ran full speed in their direction. Jungkook stood his ground and held the stone out, ready to throw, but the dragon jumped over him and went straight for Suga. Jungkook tried to follow it, but the monster was zig-zagging around through the grass chasing after him.

Suddenly Suga appeared right next to Jungkook. He looked like he had just run a mile. The dragon spotted him and crashed its hand down right where Suga had been standing. But Suga appeared further away. The dragon continued to jump after him.

Jungkook carefully followed the beast with his eyes and when he had a steady target, he chucked the stone full force. It smacked into the back of the dragon's head and knocked it to the ground. It didn't stir.

Suga suddenly appeared next to Jungkook again. He stumbled for a second before falling sideways. 

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