Chapter Fifteen

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RM woke up in a white room. He sat up slowly, his back aching a bit, and blinked a lot trying to clear his vision. He was in a hospital room. Through a big window he could see it was early morning. A sliver of the sun was rising up over another wing of the hospital. He looked at his arm to find an IV. He sat there for a moment trying to remember what happened. Then it all came flooding back to him.

"I'm, I'm alive!" he exclaimed. He remembered his brothers. Had they survived? He tore the IV out of his arm and got up. An alarm began to sound somewhere in his room but he ignored it. It sounded like the same alarm was coming from several places down the hall as well.

He stood up and walked out into the hall filled with rolling computers and machines. A nurse spotted him and came running down the hall.

"Namjoon!" The man said kindly, "Good to see you're awake! I need you in your room right now though, okay? Can you please go back to your room?" but RM wasn't listening. He tore his arm away and looked into the next room over. Jungkook stood there, looking disheveled His face lit up when he saw RM.

"Namjoon! We survived! Your plan worked!" they clasped hands and pulled each other in for a hug. Several other nurses came running down the hallway. As another couple alarms went off. Suga, J- Hope, Jimin, and Jin all came out of their rooms as well. The nurses decided to let them have their reunion and stood back.

"Hang on, where's V?" Jungkook asked. He went running to the one room in the hall without any alarms going off. The others followed close behind.

When they came in, V was just waking up.

"Tae!" Jungkook exclaimed. Everyone came into the small room and stood around his bed. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and sat up. The others gasped.

Two wings were folded behind his back, looking good as new.

"Hang on, does this mean..." RM trailed off and looked out the window. Suga suddenly appeared on the opposite side of V's bed.

"Yeah!" He exclaimed.

"We've still got our powers!" said the air where Jimin once stood.

From the door one of the nurses spoke up.

"Hey guys! Someone is here to see you."

V got up and everyone walked into the hallway. Bang Sihyuk was there. After they all came up and shook his hand or patted his back in greeting they were directed to a private meeting room for further discussion.

Once they had all taken a seat in rolly chairs around a big table they bombarded him with questions. They discovered that they had been missing for nearly two weeks. Search parties had been sent around where they were last seen, but all they found was the van parked near a rest stop with no one inside. Officials had left the van there and had cordoned off the area as a crime scene.

"Then, not two days ago, lightning struck the van." Sihyuk explained, "The guards watching the area ran to the vehicle, which was completely unharmed, and found all seven of you sitting in the seats unconscious. You were brought to the nearest hospital, and now  you've all woken up! At exactly the same time too! And, you seem to have superpowers?" He smiled and shook his head.

He folded his hands together on the table and looked at them. "Before you tell me what happened I just want to say. You guys are taking a year off. More if you want. If you all decide to you can disband BTS altogether. You've been through quite an ordeal. I think you deserve a break." Their eyes went wide. They looked around at each other. Jin looked around the room,

"Are there hidden cameras in here somewhere? Or are you being serious?" he asked, still surprised.

"No, I'm being serious! ARMY's were really worried though. You have to post selcas on twitter saying you're okay as soon as possible. You should also inform them of your break. So, what do you think?"

"Thank you." RM spoke up. "We'll have to discuss before we come to any decisions I think." He looked around the room and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Then we'll keep it to a year for now. And of course, you can still work on creating music, but that will be it. You don't have to perform or record anything unless you want to. Now tell me, where did you guys disappear to?"

They explained what happened. Everyone took turns telling different parts of the story.

The sun rose into a crystal clear sky. Once they all left the meeting to head back to their separate rooms RM addressed something he had been worrying about.

"Do you think the dragon got its powers back? I feel like it did. I don't know how I know this, but I just know that the colony is okay."

"Same!" Jimin said. Everyone agreed.

Somewhere in the future, everything was back to normal. Baya Seahawk sat beside the dragon perched in its cave atop the mountain looking down at the thriving civilization. The dragon stretched out its wings and in one bound took to the clear blue sky.

~The End~

The Dragon of Sierra: A BTS Alternate UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now