Chapter Nine

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All at once, like someone unpaused a movie, a cacophony of sound came back to Suga. The rain began to pour down again. A flash and the lightning that had lit up the sky disappeared, the residual rumbles of thunder bounced off the trees. A burbling growl came from deep within the dragon, and the invisible person was yelling. The weariness of using his power so long dropped on Suga and the dragon's jaw became twice as heavy.

"JIMIN!" Suga yelled above the noise. The dragon was beginning to realize something was in his mouth, but couldn't see it. Jimin revealed himself.

"Yoongi? AH!" Jimin lost his grip on the tree in surprise.

The dragon stumbled backwards at the sudden lack of resistance and flung Suga and Jimin to the side. Suga hit a tree and landed on all fours. He took one breath and was back up in a second. As the dragon scrambled back to its feet, Suga ran towards Jimin. As he helped him to stand up, the dragon ran up to them. It opened its jaws wide enough to snap the two of them up in one gulp. Then everything froze.

The dragon was only an inch away from Suga's face, but he didn't even flinch. He bent down, picked Jimin up, and walked away.

He walked around the lake and into the village. The person who had been falling out of the Hammock was dusting herself off. Some people who had been looking out the window had gone back inside. Some had come all the way out in their pajamas wielding various weapons. In the light of one door Suga could see two little kids peeking out from behind their mothers legs.

He had almost reached the entrance to the town where he had come in from, when his legs gave out. Time unfroze and he fell to his knees and set Jimin on the ground in front of him. The rain began to pour down again.

Jimin sat up quickly, looking around.

"Yoongi? How did we get here? Are, are you alright?" Suga didn't respond. He knelt there, head down, eyes closed. Jimin looked at him, then looked around. They were right near one of the bigger houses that Jimin knew to be the home of the mayor. A little ways away was the entrance to the village. A few people were coming from nearby houses towards the two figures in the street.

"Hey!" Someone called to them. "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, I mean, no? I'm not sure." Jimin said. He looked at Suga again. His breathing was steady enough. He seemed to be asleep.

Three people had come over by Jimin and Suga.

"Invisijimin! Who's this?" one woman asked, crouching beside them, "Is he alright?"

"I think he's just sleeping," Jimin said.

A man came up next to the woman and crouched beside her. "You guys aren't from around here. Where did you come from?"

"It's a long story." Jimin said. The third person, an older woman was standing to the side, looking at them when her eyes suddenly widened in recognition.

"Hang on, you, you're Jimin, and that's Jungkook? No, Suga?" She said in surprise "Are you, BTS?"

Jimin looked up. "Yeah! You know us?"

"Yes! I read up on you guys in college! I'm a history major you see, with a focus on pop culture. You guys were one of the top bands way back in the 2000's! That is ancient history! I heard that Invisijimin came here from the past, but I never thought...." she trailed off in thought.

"Well, no matter who you are, it's raining! My wife and I have a spare room if you would like to come stay with us!" The man said.

"That would be great!" Jimin said. He looked to Suga, still kneeling with his head down. "Yoongi, can you stand up?" Suga opened his eyes drowsily and looked around at the people crouched beside him. Behind them he could just make out something strange between a couple of the houses. He blinked a couple times and could just make out two piercing red eyes in the shadows of the alley. The creatures scales were shining by the moonlight.

The Dragon of Sierra: A BTS Alternate UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now