Chapter 1

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I sit on my bedroom floor staring blankly out my window. Am I even worth it? I think to myself. I don't have any friends & my family rarely has a conversation with me. School is no better either. I get shoved around the halls on my way to different classes and no one ever talks to me. The teachers have little interest in what goes on in my life or my mind. I get up off the floor and plop down on my bed. I unlock my phone & go on Instagram. Tons of comments fill my feed "I hate you Maddie" "You're ugly" "All the other girls are better dancers than you" more comments stream into my feed. I ignore them and scroll through the main page. They're right aren't they? I ask myself. I'll never be good enough, I'll never be as good at dance as any of the other girls. I'm just not good

enough. I throw my phone down on my bed and burst into tears. Why can't I be like them!? I ask myself. They've got a perfect life! Everything's so wonderful and great for them! I decide to clear my mind and wipe away my tears. A few minutes later I get

a text from Kendall.

💕Kendall 💚Maddie


💕oh hi Maddie

💚what is it Kendall?

💕Well tonight I'm having a team

Sleepover.. But you're not invited

💚You said its a team sleepover.

Why am I not invited?

💕does it even matter?

💚Yea, why am I not invited?

💕Well, the other girls and I

Decided that you just can't come.

💚fine. I don't really care.

next time I'm not invited to

something, don't bother to text me

💕Works for me! Toddles!


I turn off my phone with a look of disgust on my face, Kendall is the only one that's rude to me. The others girls just try to avoid me. I don't care about the dumb sleepover anyways. I walk out of my room and over to Kenzie's. *knock knock* "Mackenzie. Are you in there?" No answer. "Mackenzie." I say again. I hear footsteps coming to her door, within seconds, she opens. "What." She asks in a bored tone. "Are you going to Kendall's dumb sleepover?" "Yeah, why?" She says. "Kendall said I wasn't invited." I say. "Oh." She says. We stand there in silence for a few seconds. "Well I should get back to packing my stuff." She says. I walk away and go into my room. Why does everyone hate me? I ask myself. I unlock my phone and go back on Instagram. I decide to take a picture of my self and in the caption I write "just hanging out.." And post it. Comments start to stream in. "Wow. You actually look decent for once." Mean. But at least he/she didn't say I was ugly. I ignore the rest of my comments & lock my phone. Am I even meant for this world?

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