Chapter 13

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"Do you think Mackenzie remembers me?" Chloe asks eagerly sitting across from me. "Chloe. I don't know. So far she's only remembered my mom. I don't know who else has come into contact with her, I don't know." I say. "Ok." Chloe's says looking down. Christi comes up stairs and stands in the doorway. "I'm sorry Maddie." Christi says with a sympathetic look. "W-what?" I say confused. "Your mom told me everything." She says. "Oh." I say looking the other way. "Sweetie, you could've told us. You must he really hurting." She says and crouches down by me. "I-I am." I say. "Chlo. Did she tell you?" She asks. "Yes, and I feel bad for her." Chloe says. "This must be awful." Christ says giving me a tight squeeze. I can't speak. The tears will flow if I do. I look up at Chloe. "It is." Chloe says speaking for me. I smile slightly. She smiles back. "Well I'll leave you girls alone. Your sister is in my prayers hun." Christi says and leaves. There is a few seconds of silence between us. Chloe gets up and comes over to me. She just hugs me. "It hurts." I say. "I know Maddie. Remember, positive thoughts." She says. "Ya." I say,




'7:45'. My phone alarm screeches in my ear telling me to wake up. I tap the snooze button and rub my eyes. Oh why did I agree to go to dance today. I get up and go to my closet. I get a pink crop top with 'Abby Lee' written in black lettering on it and black booty shorts. It's Tuesday. Which is the longest day of filming. Also the day I hate the most. I put on my dance wear and go the the bathroom. I pull my hair back neatly into a high ponytail. I don't have enough energy or passion to put it in a bun today. I apply my "filming makeup" which includes mascara, eyeliner, light brown eye shadow, blush and pink lipgloss. Once I'm done I grab my dance bag and phone and go downstairs. At the table sits my mom and...Mackenzie. "Hi Maddie." My mom says. "Mom, Mackenzie! You're home!" I say excited. "Mackenzie! Are you ok now! Please tell me your ok!" I say smiling. Mackenzie just looks from me to mom. "Maddie, Mackenzie hasn't fully recovered. But the good news is her memory will come back soon." She says. "What? So she still doesn't remember me?" "Well, no. But she will." My mom says trying to reassure me. " mom! I can't wait! She has to remember me!" I yell, "Maddie I'm sorry, you have to let her remember at her own pace. There is nothing we can do." My mom says. "Ugh!" I say and throw my bag down. "Maddie pick your bag up, let's go." I pick up my bag and follow her to the car. "Mackenzie's dancing?" I ask just noticing she is dressed for dance. "Yes. We're going to see how she does today." My mom says keeping her eyes on the road. "But can she dance? Does she remember?" I ask. "Yes Maddie. I watched her dance this morning in the backyard. She seems no different, she has not weakened in dancing." My mom says. "Yah. I'm pretty good!" Mackenzie says a little perky. I just stare down at my feet.




When we walk in just about everyone emerges around Mackenzie and I. Our team, friends, teachers even Miss Abby. The air fills with voices "Mackenzie this, Mackenzie that" to be honest, it was kind of annoying. I know she hasn't been at dance for maybe more than a week and everyone will be glad to see her but, I don't know, it's all different now. "Hi Mackenzie!" Kendall screams and hugs her. I roll my eyes. "Hi..KENDALL!" She screams and hugs back. I could tell she hesitated to say hi back. Probably didn't remember her for a second. "Mackenzie!" Paige and Nia squeeze through the swarm of people to hug her. "Hey Paigey! Hi Nia!" She says. I watch people greet Mackenzie and her saying hi back. Then it hits me. "Mom!" I yell and squeeze through the people. "Yes." She says. "Does Mackenzie remember all the girls on the team?" I ask looking at Mackenzie. "Seems like it." She says and smiles. "Oh no.." I say. "What Maddie?" "Mackenzie remembers the girls, but she doesn't remember me!?" I scream. "Maddie calm down, I told you it'll take time." My mom says. "Well I can't wait mom! She's my sister! It's not fair she remembers non-family instead of a FAMILY!" I yell. "Maddie! Be quiet! Look, there's nothing I can do. Mackenzie will remember soon." She says. "UGH!" I throw my arms down and run out of the building crying.

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