Chapter 5

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"MADDIE, DANCE!" My mom yells waking me up. I look at my phone, 7:45. Why does dance have to be so early. It also means spending more time around Kendall. I don't get home from dance usually until 2:00. I slump out of bed and turn on my lights. I go into my closet and get a pink crop top that reads "Abby Lee" in rhinestones and black booty shorts. I put it on and go into the bathroom. I put my hair into a sock bun and add flower. I put pink lipgloss on along with eyeliner and mascara. I hate wearing a lot of make-up but we have to when we are filming. We usually film from 9:00-12:00. By now its 8:00, I grab my dance bag and phone and go downstairs. I grab an apple and slouch out the door. I really don't want to go to dance today.




We arrive at the ALDC at 8:15. I get my stuff and go inside. "Hello Maddie." Abby says without looking at me when I walk in. "Hi." I say quietly. I Push open the door to the dancers den and look for Mackenzie's bag. Her Pink glittery bag shines from across the room. I walk over and set my bag beside it. I put on dance shoes and go on my phone. I have 10 minutes until filming starts. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Maddie." I hear Kendall's voice say. I keep my head down but move my eyes upwards to see her. "You came!" She says sarcastically. I move my head up. "Yes Kendall. If you haven't realized, I dance here." I say. "I don't like your tone Maddie." She says "I don't like a lot of things about you either." I say snapping back. Kendall walks over to me. " you were warned last time about talking to me like that Maddie." She says. Her eyes glaring into mine. We stare in silence. "What? Not gonna talk back? Are you scared?" She says tauntingly with a smirk. "Nope. I just don't want to waste my time on you." I say and smile slightly at her. I go back to my phone. When I think she's about to walk away, she lifts up my chin and nails me right in the nose. "OW!" I scream. I clutch my nose. Tears forming in my eyes. "That'll shut you up." She says and walks away. I look down letting the tears fall down my face. I stand up and go into the empty hall. I lean against the wall and slide down. "Why does she hate me?" I say crying into my hands. "Why does no one talk to me or care for me!?" I ask myself still crying. I check my phone. 8:25. I have to get into the studio before Abby comes! I wipe away my tears. I run into the den and into the bathroom to fix my makeup. I sprint back through and into Studio A. I stop and start to walk so nobody thinks anything. I walk to go over to Mackenzie but I'm afraid Kendall will hurt me more. I stand a good distance away from everyone. Kendall turns her head to look at me and smirks. I look away. Someone taps my shoulder. I jump. "Maddie. Calm down it's just me." It's just Mackenzie. "Sorry, you scared me." "Your nose is red?" She says. I don't want to tell her the truth because then she'll surely talk to Kendall. "Oh! I uh... Hit it off my night stand this morning..?" I say hoping she'll believe me. She stares at me for a few seconds. "Oh. Sounds painful." She says. "Um, yeah it was." I say and throw her a slight fake smile. Kendall glares over to me and Mackenzie. I look down. I walk away without saying anything.

"Morning Girls!" Abby shouts in her raspy voice. "Let's go let's go! !" She shouts. I stand between Mackenzie and Paige. "No Pyramid this week!" She says. All the girls glance looks at each other clearly confused. "Today id like to introduce a new student!" Abby says. I hear some of the girls gasp. I roll my eyes. I hope she's nicer than all the other girls. Abby opens the door and in walks a tall skinny blonde. She must be my age or at least a year older. Her mom walks in behind her. "Girls this is Christi, And Chloe!" Abby says. "Hi!" Chloe speaks happily. "Chloe go stand between Maddie and Mackenzie." Abby leads her over to us. "Hi." Chloe says to us. "Hi." I say quietly looking down. "This week I'm giving two solos and a duet. Everyone will be in the group dance!" Abby says. "Mackenzie, you will have solo, titled Dance Doctor." Mackenzie smiles. "Thank you." She says. "And Paige! You have solo titled Ooh la la." Abby says. " The group dance is called Beautiful Tragedy." Abby says. " And the duet will go to...

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