Chapter 10

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That night a lay in bed all I can think about is Mackenzie. I'm all by myself first of all. My mom went to stay at the hospital with her. I flip over on my side to look at my phone clock. '11:47' It reads. I went to be early today. I close my eyes. Dreaming and hoping, that Mackenzie will be ok.




'8:11' my phone reads. I shut my eyes hoping to get more sleep. When I remember it's Saturday. "Oh my god! I have dance!" I practically yell. I literally jump out of bed and dig through my closet. This is what happens when your mom doesn't wake you up in the morning. My mom tells me to set an alarm on my phone but I always refuse. They scare me to be honest. I pull out white booty shorts and a lime green crop top. I rush to the bathroom and put them on. I brush my hair, but not fully and put it in a more of a messy bun. I put on my "filming makeup" as I like to call it. And run downstairs, I glance at the stove clock. '8:18' it reads. "CRAP!" I yell. I get my dance bag and my phone and run out the door. Wait. I can't just run. It takes 15 minutes to get there by driving. I look back and forth trying to figure out what to do. I look down my right and see Chloe's light blue mini van still in the drive away. I dart down the street to Chloe's. I bang on the door. "CHLOE!!" I yell knocking. "CHLOE! CHRISTI!" I yell. Chloe opens the door. "Maddie oh my god!" She says shocked. "Can you take me to dance!" I ask out of breath. "Yes yes! Come on!" She says. "MOM HURRY UP! WE HAVE 20 MINUTES!" Chloe yells. Christi comes running down the stairs. "Oh hey Maddie! Let's go girls!" We all scatter to the car. "Thank you for taking me my mom is with Mackenzie at-" I stop myself. "At where?" Christi asks. I try to stay silent. "The hosp-" Chloe speaks but I elbow her in the side to keep her quiet. "Um, I uh. Actually don't know? But she won't be at dance." I say cautiously. "Oh that's too bad." Christi speaks. 15 minutes later we arrive. "Let's go!" I say. Chloe and I sprint put of the car. Dance bags dangling from our arms. We shove through the doors and into the den. "Oh my god! We're gonna be in so much trouble!" Chloe says worried. "Don't worry! Cmon!" I say. We dash into studio A. Kendall, Paige and Nia look at us oddly as we run in. Chloe and I go stand in line by the other girls. Luckily Abby hasn't come in yet. "Your late." Someone whispers in my ear. I look to see it was Kendall. She's standing there arms folded looking at me. I look away. "Maybe I should tell Abby that. " she whispers agin. "You know how she is about people being late." She says. "Look Kendall. I slept in. Sorry." I say. "Ok. I won't tell her." She says. I look at her. "Maybe I'll just tell her something else." She says smirking. "Like what?" I ask. "That you broke my nose." She says smirking still. "You can't do that! That isn't true! Plus you're the one who punched me!" I say angrily. "So." She says not caring. "Your awful Kendall." I say. "Thank you!" She says sarcastically. Kendall looks past me. "Looks like you have some explaining? Maddie?" Kendall says. "What?" I ask. She moves her finger indicating for me to turn around. Chloe is looking at me. Hurt in her eyes. "Chloe?" I ask. She runs out of the studio to the den. "Chloe!" I call running after her . I see chloe sitting on a bench in the corner. "Chloe.. What's wrong?" I ask. "You lied." She says looking at me. "What're you talking about?" I ask. "About being bullied." She said. "What! No I didn't!" I say. "You told me you got bullied by Paige." She said. I tense up. Did she know the truth? "I-i do." I say looking down. "No you don't. You get bullied by Kendall." She says. "Oh." I say. "Oh!? Really Maddie! You lied! I thought you trusted me!" She said. "I-I do." I say, "obviously not!" She says looking away. I walk over to her. "Why does it matter anyways?" I ask. "Because." She says. I put my hand on her shoulder. "At my last dance studio I had a group of friends. We all made a promise to each other that we could always trust each other. I told my friend Evelyn. That I wasn't sure if I could trust Nina anymore because of an incident that happened earlier that year. Little did I know, my 'secret' wasn't going to be safe. Evelyn went and told our group and they bailed me on me. I told all of them my biggest secret. That got out too. After they left me, I never thought I'd have any friends. At the time, you looked friendly enough so I decided to make friends with you, I rushed into the 'you can trust me' stuff because I was afraid something odd would happen before I said it too you." Chloe said. I took my hand off her shoulder. "So you.. Only wanted to be my friend because I was vulnerable?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "N-no. Yes. I don't know." Chloe says and throws her hands down. "Chloe. I thought I had a friend for once!" I said my eyes getting watery, "but you do!" She says standing up. "I don't know Chloe. Am I still vulnerable." I say. "Maddie! You never were! I did want to be friends with you!" She says. "Really? Chloe." I say not pleased. "Yes Maddie!" She says. I just give her a small fake smile and turn around to go back Into the studio. Chloe puts her hand on my shoulder. I look behind me. "Are we ok?" She says. "Sure." I say. Not really sure if I mean it. We walk back into studio A. Right as we walk in, Abby walks in. "Pyramid girls!" Abby calls. "On the bottom we have....

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