Chapter 14

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Mackenzie's POV


I was crowded by tons of people. All greeting me. I still didn't remember every single person but I think I remembered most. I feel someone tap my shoulder, I spin around. "Hey Mackenzie!" Says a dark haired boy. "Um hi." I say. I don't remember him. He starts talking but I can't speak back I don't want him to know I don't remember him. "Gino" someone whispers in my ear. "Huh?" I say and spin around. It's my mom. She nudges her head toward him. "Ohhhh." I say. "Mackenzie." "Yah what?" I say and spin around. "Do you maybe wanna-" I spot Maddie running out of the building, I think she's crying. "So do you?" He says, "huh? What do I want?" I say confused. I guess I hadn't heard the rest of his question. "Um.. What I just asked you." He says confused as I am. "Sorry gotta run!" I say and jolt past him. "W-what?" He says. "Sorry Lino!" I say and run to where Maddie went. "It's. Its Gino!" He calls back. "I push open the doors to the outside. I stand out front looking for Maddie. In the distance I hear a small voice crying. It must be Maddie. I follow the sound of the noise to the back of the building. There she sits. Against the wall head in her knees crying. "Maddie?" I speak. "Go away!" She cries. I walk closer. "seriously! Go away!" She says and shoos me away with her hands. I sit down next to her. "What do you want!" She asks. "I want to know if you're ok." I say. She looks up at me. Her makeup smeared down her face slightly. "Do I look like I am ok!" She basically yells. "Maddie.. Sorry." I say and look away. There is a minute of silence between us. "I remember." I say. "What?" "I remember the night we both talked in forever."I say and look at her. "Oh." She says. "Does that make you feel better?" I ask. "Why would it." She says and slides her legs down so that they are now straight, she tilts her head to look at the sky. "Because. If I remember that. I must remember you soon." I say. "Don't get your hopes up. I've learnt that the hard way." She says. "Well I know ill remember." I say. "Whatever." She says and looks the other way. "I should go back inside, dance will start soon." I say and get up. "Coming?" I ask. She says nothing but stands up and walks back inside with me.




"Congrats on the win girls! And to the winning duet!" Abby says. "Mackenzie sadly wasn't here last week so she couldn't not perform. Now. The pyramid." The girls rub their hands and feet nervously. "Mackenzie. You're on the bottom. Of course because you wet not here last week. How are you feeling?" She asks me. "I'm doing okay." I say and smile. "Good to hear. Next we have Paige.." Pyramid felt like a life time wait. But finally we reached the top. "On the top, we have Kendall!" You did just spectacular in the group!" Abby says. "Thank you Miss Abby!" She says and smiles.


Maddie's POV


I throw up in my mouth a little when Abby reveals Kendall's picture on the top of the pyramid. Good news for Kendall is always bad news for me. "Start warming up." Abby says and goes over to Gia. I start to stretch. I look over in Kendall's direction. She fiddles with something in her hands, I Ignore it and look away. I bend down to take off my dance shoes. Before I stand back up Kendall nails be in the side with something sharp. I scream in pain. "Oh my god Maddie!" Kendall yells acting like she cares. She grabs my arm to pull me up. Once I'm up I slide my arm out of her hand quickly and give her a look. She backs away and smirks. "Maddie what happened!" Abby yells. "Kendall hit me with something sharp." I say holding my side. "Kendall?" Abby asks and looks at her. "Miss Abby I swear I had nothing to do with this!" Kendall says. "Liar." I say and roll my eyes. "Don't call me a liar!" She yells at me. "Look girls, I don't know what is going on with you two. I will speak with your mothers." She says. "Don't bother. My mom will just tell you she's a sweet angel." I say and roll my eyes, "but aren't i?" She says sweetly. "Shut up will you." I say snapping back. "Maddie enough! Maybe one of the girls saw what happened?" "Nia! Paige! Mackenzie! Chloe! Come here!" She says. They do as told and come over. Nia nor Paige saw what happened. Neither did Chloe. "I'm sorry Madds." Chloe whispers in my ear. "I saw what happened." Mackenzie says. I look at her. "Well then, share." Abby says "Kendall DID hit Maddie with something." She says. Kendall looks at her in shock. "What are you talking about." Kendall says, teeth clenched. "Well. Kendall, you are suspended for this week. Goodbye." Abby says. "What! Ugh!" Kendall yells. She stomps over to me. "You'll pay Ziegler!" She whispers loud into my ear. She just gives Mackenzie an evil stare and storms out. "Maddie. You alright?" Abby asks. "Yah, I think so." I say rubbing my side. "Alright, go back to stretching. "You really saw what happened?" I ask Mackenzie, "nah. But I believe Kendall did something." She says. I smile. "I never forgot how mean she was." She says going into a lunge, I do the same. "Yeah. She's something." I say. "When you say something, you mean a piece of work?" She says and looks at me smiling, "Yup." I say and laugh. She does too.

"Kendall Vertes, you are a piece of work." Mackenzie says laughing,

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