Chapter 2

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I was laying on my bed dreading everything, including Kendall, when my mom calls Mackenzie and I down for dinner. I hate dinner. It's always so awkward. Nobody talks the whole meal. Of course, I should be used to it, but really, I'm not. My mom sets a plate of spaghetti in front of us and goes back to the kitchen. I keep my head down and eat my food. I start to get uncomfortable because I know Mackenzie keeps watching me, like she has something to say. "So, uh Maddie.." She speaks. "Yeah?" I say nervously. "Why aren't you invited to Kendall's sleepover?" She asks. "I don't know really." I say. I remember what Kendall said about the girls and her deciding that I can't come. The girls do try to avoid me. But they aren't like that. At least I think. "Are you ok about this?" Mackenzie asks. "Well Mackenzie, why wouldn't I be. My whole life I've been pushed around and rejected. Sadly I get to call it normal." I say. Mackenzie looks kind of startled as I realize I had raised my voice a bit too much. "Sorry.." I say. "It's ok...I'm sorry Madds." She says. Madds. I haven't heard her call me that for years. For the first time in forever, I actually smiled, slightly, but this time it wasn't fake. It was for real. "It's ok. You go have fun." I say as I finish up my spaghetti. "Thanks....I'm going to talk to Kendall about this." She says. "Mackenzie. It's ok, don't. I'm fine. Plus, I wouldn't want her to hate you to." I say. " Maddie, I'm sure she doesn't hate you, are you sure about this?" She asks. "Yes Kenzie." I smile. "Just go have fun." I say to her. She smiles slightly at me. I get up and bring my plate to he sink. I clean my plate off and can't help but smile. I haven't had a conversation like that with anybody forever. Mackenzie comes over with her plate and asks "Maddie what're you smiling at?" Kind of giggling. "Nothing. I'm, uh, just well happy." I say. Mackenzie smiles. "Me too" she says. She walks over to me and puts her plate in the sink. "I missed talking to you." She says. "Trust me, so did I." I say and smile. "I'm sorry I've ignored you all these years." She says. "I really don't know why I did." She adds. "It's ok, I'm just focusing on the fact that you are talking to me now. Our past is the past." I say and smile "We can finally start over." She says. "You bet." I say. "It's 6 Mackenzie! Grab your stuff and head out!" My mom yells from upstairs. "K Mom!" She yells back. "See ya." I say. "Bye." She says smiling. She grabs her bag and heads out the door. For the first time in a long time, I finally have a sister again.

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