Chapter 16

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Maddie's POV

"Oh Kenzie!" Chloe and I call from her door. "What?" She asks opening it. "Wanna make a dance with me and Chlo?" I ask smiling, "Well, um I'm actually doing homework..." She says. "Oh please Mackenzie! We need you." Chlo begs. "Well. Okay." She says giving in. Chloe and I squeal with joy as she goes back into her room to put her pencil down. Once we get down to the basement Mackenzie speaks. "So why are we doing this?" She asks. "Because, it's fun!" Chloe says. "Ya, plus we used to do it when we were little." I smile bravely. Mackenzie just nods. Chloe comes up with some moves and we practice. We then decided that two girls would dance first. "How about you and Mackenzie" Chloe offers looking at me. All part of our plan. I smile and nod. Chloe turns on the music and we dance. In my opinion, I thought I was really good. Mackenzie was too. When we finish I walk over to Chloe panting, we stand side by side and look at Mackenzie. She's clearly as tired as I am. She looks down then up. "What?" She asks still breathing heavily when she notices us. "Do you think it worked?" I whisper to Chloe. She just shrugs, "hello?" She asks again. "Oh um, do you feel any different, perhaps, fuller of knowledge?" I ask awkwardly walking towards her. "Huh?" She asks again smoothing out her shirt. "Do you remember!" I say giving in. "Remember? Like about what you said about the dances?" She asks. "Um, yeah." I say. "No, not really. Sorry." She says. "Ugh! Chloeee!" I whine. "What're we gonna do?" I ask sadly sitting down putting my heads in my knees. "Maddie, we'll think of something." She says trying to reassure me. "Ya." Mackenzie speaks up. "You don't know what it's like to go through what I am and have gone through!" I shout. "Maddie." Chloe says trying to calm me. "Maddie, you don't think I'm struggling here too!" She says back. "I can assure you, I've had it worse!" I say getting up. "For 4 years! You ignored me! 4 years! Mom never talked to be either, I had no friends! I was a loner! I thought I was worthless! When you started talking to me again I was beyond excited. Then Chloe came, she made me feel 10x better than I would've ever felt! But then you had to go and mysteriously faint! And now you dont remember anything and except for like everybody but you know who you don't Remember!? Huh! ME!" I scream and fall to my knees crying. Mackenzie just stands there chloe crouches down next to me. "Maddie," Chloe rubs my back. "Maddie, stop." She says. I look up. "What!" I shout. "It's ok, understand. You'll be fine. Mackenzie will be fine. Everything will be fine, ok?" She says. I sniff. "You don't know that." I say and look away. "I-I remember." Mackenzie says. "What?" I turn and look at her. She's staring at the wall across the room. "I remember that day. That day we talked again." "I remember the-the days of not talking to you. Those days." She says, her glance is now at me. "You mean the past?" I ask, I sniff again. She nods slowly. "Why?" She asks shaky. "Why what?" I ask. "Why'd I do that? To you? Why'd those people do it to you?" She asks. Her bottom lip trembles. "Kenz. Don't cry." I say. "No, Maddie, I'm sorry." She says. Chloe nudges me. I roll my eyes. It's silent for a few seconds. "Madison Nicole Ziegler." I look at her, eyes wide. "Madison Nicole Ziegler! I remember you!" She screams and runs over to me. I stand up and she hugs me. I look at Chloe and mouth, "Thank you." She smiles. We all walk back upstairs and find my mom. We tell her the whole story. Today was by far the post painful yet amazing day of my life. Us 3 walk outside and sit on the grass. We talk about all sorts of things. We exchange smiles and laughs. "I'm so glad I remember things now, mostly you." Kenzie says and smiles. "Me too." I say. "Hey, why'd you thank me earlier?" Chloe asks. "Because I needed too." I say. "I couldn't have done any of this without you, you changed me, my thoughts and my way of life drastically. So thank you, Chloe. And thank you Kenzie." I smile. Chloe hugs me. "I'm so glad I have you both, I'm so much happier and stronger with you guys, so once again, thank you, thank you, for saving me."

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