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Author's note- okay, so I said this fic would be between 10-15 chapters, and I can now predict this fic will be around 11 or 12 chapters, though it could still be longer!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Four days to go
Third person's p.o.v.

"I'll be better, I promise," Brendon whispers quietly to Josh as they lie together in bed. "I know I've been bad to you, but I'm trying to get better."

"That's what you always say," Josh choked out, tears running down his cheeks, staining his face red as he breathed rapidly. "You always say it'll get better, but it never does!" Josh gave up hiding his emotions, he gave up lying to Brendon, pretending he believed him when he said everything would be okay.

Josh cowered away from Brendon, expecting a slap or a punch for what he said, but he didn't receive one.

Instead, Brendon's expression softened, and he suddenly felt extremely guilty.

"That's how you feel?" He asked softly.

Josh, too scared to trust his voice, just nodded.

"Oh, Josh," Brendon continued, pulling Josh in for a soft hug. "I really will get better this time. I mean it." He stroked Josh's blue hair gently, calming Josh down a lot.

And for a second, Josh believed it. Maybe it could get better.

But would it really?

And even if things did manage to improve, there was one little problem...

Josh is going to die in four days.

"Let's just sleep, shall we?" Brendon asked, wrapping his arms around Josh protectively.


When Josh woke up in the morning, he discovered the left side of his bed was an empty space. (Reference intended, though you may not get it haha)

Please don't tell me Brendon is already away getting drunk, Josh thought.

Josh got out of bed, and pulled on some clothes, hardly even looking at what he was wearing. Most likely black anyway.

He walked downstairs to smell the sweet aroma of pancakes and syrup.

"Morning sleepyhead!" Brendon exclaimed, smiling brightly. "Did you have a nice sleep?"

Josh was confused by this kind act Brendon was performing for the first time ever, but he blushed at the name Sleepyhead.

Maybe things could get better. Maybe they would.

"Ummm...yeah, I did," Josh replied quietly. "Did you?"

"Why, yes!" Brendon said. "Though I got up early to make us pancakes!"

He expertly flipped one in the air and it landed back on the pan. Josh watched him, impressed.

"Now, you must be hungry, so eat some pancakes!" Brendon cried.

I hired a hitman to kill me (joshler)Where stories live. Discover now