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Author's note- so this is one of the last chapters! (Awwww) I have really enjoyed writing this fic and I can't wait for the next fic I'm going to write. I already have one of you guys as a possible character to be a part of it, and if anyone else would like to be have a character in a fic, comment here and I'll message you about it! But I hope you all enjoy this part for now :)

Trigger warning -violence, murder
Third person's p.o.v.
0 days to go

Tyler's plan was a success so far. He'd been fortunate to have a Taco Bell on the way to Jay's house, and he had slept surprisingly well consider his task for the day ahead.

He woke in the early hours of the morning and he quickly escaped Jay's house before his family got up and would ask him questions.

Tyler then went to McDonald's for a very healthy breakfast and coffee to prepare him for the day ahead.

He could feel the nervousness and excitement cursing through his veins.

Brendon's p.o.v.

I look around in the bedroom while Josh is frying bacon for breakfast. As good as it smells, I have got to find an answer.

Josh was obviously acting suspicious on the computer while I was gone that day, and I need to find out why.

I login to our computer and open the search page. There seems to be nothing suspicious there.

Maybe I was wrong.

I exit the search page and look at the most recent tabs Josh has looked at.

Nothing out of the ordinary-


Why has Josh been on the deep web?

I click on the tab and it loads up on the computer with all of Josh's information.

He wants to die?

No no no no no no no no no no!

He can't do that!

I desperately try to search for a way to cancel his application but the words I see break my heart.

These forms cannot be undone after they are submitted and no refunds are given.

Josh is going to die and it's probably my fault.

However, before I exit the tab, I see another option.

Notify FBI

Yes! I click on the link, and the page loads, but the only thing to appear is a single sentence-

Thank you, the FBI will be on the case as soon as possible.

I sigh with relief, and suddenly Josh calls out, "Brendon! We don't have any eggs!"

I groan in hunger and go downstairs to see Josh still frying bacon but he is correct. There are no eggs.

"Don't worry, I'll go to the shop and buy some eggs for us!" I say, grabbing my coat and wallet, before kissing Josh on the head. "I love you."

I run out the door. I'm starving and so I need to hurry so I can get the eggs.

Third person's p.o.v.

Josh merrily hummed to himself whilst frying the bacon, actually allowing himself to forget about the event that would soon happen.

Tyler parked his car on the road nearby Josh's house so he didn't look suspicious by parking right outside. He prepared the gun he would use and hid it in his jeans. He put on his gloved and pulled his mask over his face so he wouldn't be recognised, even though Josh was going to die anyway.

Josh walked slowly up to Josh's door, trying not to gain any unwanted attention. Like Dallon's house, the front door was also unlocked.

Tyler smiled to himself. At least make his job a little bit difficult.

He pushed open the door and crept inside. He smelt...bacon?

It smelt delicious, so he followed the scent to the kitchen, and pulled out his gun to be ready in case Josh was there.

Tyler smirked when he heard humming. It meant this not only was Josh here, but he hadn't noticed the unwanted visitor yet.

Suddenly Josh turned around, and his smile completely dropped to the floor. It probably fell through the floor.

"H-hey," he said nervously.

"Hey, Joshie," Tyler smirked, pointing his gun at him. "I assume you don't know who I am?"

To Tyler's surprise, Josh smiled back. "I do, you're Tyler Joseph!"

"What? You know who I am?" Tyler asked in confusion. "How?"

Josh shrugged nervously. "Perhaps some questions are left unanswered."

Tyler's anger rose, and he put his finger on the trigger. "You answer a question when I ask you something!"

"I don't think it matters why I should tell you if you're gonna kill me anyway," Josh stuttered in fear.

"I don't care! How do you know me?! Who told you about me?" Tyler yelled.

"Nobody!" Josh replied and it was of course the truth. He had backed away from the oven and put his hands up.

"Lies!" Tyler screamed. "You tell me who told you about me now or you die!"

"It's the truth!" Josh pled. "Nobody told me about yo-"

Tyler pulled the trigger ruthlessly, sending a bullet right into Josh's heart.

He breathed out heavily, dropping the gun beside Josh and watched with satisfaction as blood seeped through Josh's shirt. How his lifeless eyes glazed over and looked at nothing and how he lay motionless on the floor.

"It's a shame really, you were cute," Tyler spat, before turning to leave the house.

Instead of an easy escape, Tyler was greeted with, "FREEZE! PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!"

Oh no.

It was over for Tyler Joseph, just like it was over for Joshua Dun.

I hired a hitman to kill me (joshler)Where stories live. Discover now