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Authors note- I'm sorry I don't update as often as promised, but I would rather have better updates than crap ones. Also happy belated birthday to my friend clivedoveandflora I love you! Anyway, enjoy this chapter :)

One day to go
Third person's p.o.v.

Tyler didn't have anyone to kill today, which was unusual, but not a disappointment.

After having to reluctantly kill Dallon, Tyler was actually relieved to have a day off the job. That was also unusual.

But Tyler couldn't do nothing, so he decided to prepare for his next murder, Joshua Dun. Josh.

By looking at his profiles on social media, Tyler could already tell he seemed like quite a good guy, thoughTyler thought that Josh's smile seemed rather forced in some of the pictures posted.


Google told him Josh received an award at the end of secondary school for doing the most charity work and being the smartest pupil of the year.

So he's one of those ones.

Yet Tyler hoped he'd missed something.

He hoped that he'd missed something that would prove Josh to be an awful guy, giving him a good reason to kill him, so he could enjoy killing him more.

While hitmen aren't supposed to feel remorse killing people, and Tyler usually didn't, it was just that he killed bad people. People who deserved to die.

Killing Dallon was heartbreaking, because Dallon was good. He didn't deserve to die.

Sometimes Tyler wondered how he got himself into the position of being a hitman.

Tyler pondered about this as he drove towards Ohio, the state where Josh lived in. He planned to stop for Taco Bell along the way, and he was staying with his brother Jay overnight. In the morning, Tyler would rise, go to McDonald's for breakfast and prepare his weapons in his car, before making his way to Josh's house to finish him.

No one in Tyler's family knew about his job. Rightfully so. They'd be horrified if they knew the truth.

What Tyler's family believed was that Tyler didn't even have a job, and the reason he wasn't around often was because he traveled a lot.

At least that part was true.

Tyler traveled to complete his job. His family just didn't know that.

Minor details.

It was only a day until Josh would meet his end, and Tyler couldn't decide if the butterflies in his stomach was nerves, excitement or guilt.

I hired a hitman to kill me (joshler)Where stories live. Discover now