Chapter Seventeen: Richie/Eddie

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[a/n: warning for dark themes involving drugs, alcohol and other surprises - someone take this app away from me at 4 am. btw yes, I do love Stan and Eddie. again, if this makes someone feel not okay, I will change it, hiyo silver awayyyy]

"You stopped caring. So I stopped trying."

"Eddie, baby, I promise, I didn't do anything with Bill

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"Eddie, baby, I promise, I didn't do anything with Bill."

Eddie was crying. His tiny, fragile body was bent over at the middle, his elbows on his knees, his face in his hands, his soft cries breaking Richie's heart.

"Spaghetti, I just couldn't deal with that urge for Bill, and so I tried to break up Stan and Bill, but I promise, I only love you."

Eddie's brown eyes shone as he lifted his chin and stared Richie straight in the eye (though he had a definite lack of straightness). "That's what you said last time, Richie," he whispered through sobs. "You said you only loved me and you still f-fucked him, or you lied and said you fucked him so you could have the opportunity to fuck him!"

"What...I never thought of it that way."

"Richie! You were trying to break up Stan and Bill so you could be with Bill! You were planning to cheat!" Eddie exclaimed, rivulets running down his cheeks. "How can I ever trust you again?"

Richie stared at him helplessly. "Eddie...could you please just help me get Stan and Bill back together? Because Bill didn't do anything wrong. We never even, we never did anything."

"Okay, but I don't even wanna be near you, asshat."

"Eddie, just, this is just getting stupid, I mean, just forgive me—"

"Richie, shut the fuck up. The door's that way."

And so Richie left. He felt himself crying, as he stared at the damage he'd done, and wondered what damage he would someday cause.

"Eddie?" Stan's voice was trembling on the other side of the phone. "Can I come over?"

"Yeah, my mom's out with a friend, luckily," Eddie replied, understanding Stan's sadness and his desire to be with another victim of the cheating tag team Richie and Bill.

"Do you have booze?"

"No, Stan, no..."

"Don't we deserve to stop hurting?"

Eddie was silent, pondering. After a long moment, he answered, "I have alcohol. Lots of it."

Am I making a terrible decision?

"Great. I'll be there soon."

Stan hung up and Eddie found several bottles of beer, left them in his room, and sat near the door until it was knocked. An empty-eyed Stan greeted with a nod and rushed upstairs to Eddie's room.

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