8: Discovered

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Andr swung her leg off of a retractable chair. A bridge covered her and Judy from the sun light, a small radio playing. "This shit is so hot right now," she groaned. She had her sweater rolled up to her chest.

Shuffling a pack of cards, Judy wiped her neck. She was sitting cross legged next to Andr, wearing a tank top. "Down for some poker?"

She looked down at her, reaching out for the cards.

They heard feet hitting the bridge. Nick and Foxy abruplty jumped down, Nick falling on his ass.

"The cube was a transmitter," Foxy said, breathing heavily. "They sent cars to Finnick's place, but I doubt they'll catch him."

Andr stood up, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Did you at least find out something?"

Nick nodded, leaning against the wall, still bent over. "Yeah. It said something about a meeting at Casanova Arena, in the clubbing area at like ten at night tomorrow."

Turning off the radio, Judy's ears raised. "That's where you and me watched  Gazelle's concert!" she blurted out.

"Oh," Nick paused, "That shit." He grabbed his radio. "We can't really do anything until we clock out, since we have a day off tomorrow."

Judy agreed. "How are we going to get back, though? There's no one around for a hour or two."

He pressed the button on his radio. "I have a 10-78, if you have any dispatch vehicles suitable for two officers and two civies, please pick us up."

Clawhauser's voice came through. "Sure thing. What's your location?"

"The abandoned Wild Times amusement park. What's the ETA."

"Damn. That's 'bout a 30 minutes drive to there and another 30 back to the station. I'll a SUV coming in."

Nick pocketed his radio, sighing. "You know, I lived here for a long time," he began.

"I remember I made you mad the last time we were here," Judy added. She rolled up her sleeves.

"Oh yeah, over what you said about us predators, which is still pretty racist in my mind," Nick smirked.

Andr sat down, Foxy kneeling down to her and wrapping his arm around her waist. "Ooh! I wanna hear this story!" she exlaimed, sounding like a child.

"I mean, alright." Nick continued telling the story, the blistering sun cooling down.


Nick had packed his things, beginning to walk down the hall when Bogo called his name. 'Well shit, there goes my career.'

'Sounds like you fucked up,' Andr intruded.

'Yeah. I'm lucky if he doesn't fire me.' He continued his way to Bogo's office.

Judy was sitting in a chair. Bogo had his hoove... fingers... what ever I even called them intertwined. (I'll just say they're hands 'cause I honestly don't know what to call them) "So Wolford got injured. And Ms. Hopps said that your squad was in a shootout with a small time gang, but when we arrived over there to clean up, we found nothing but blood all over the buildings. Now," he stood up, his muscular body easily reaching 6'7, "That doesn't seem like a small time gang shootout."

"They had bombs, but it exploded because one of them sneezed and dropped it." Nick recieved a confused glare from Judy.

"That seems very unlikely, but since you two are the top stars for the drug case with Henry, I'm keeping you on until we solve that case. The new recruits, Joshua and Anthony, will take your place tomorrow so they can learn how to properly act like a police officer. Dismissed." He waved them off, returning to his papers, reading over them.

As they were about to leave, Nick asked, "Can we keep our radio's?"

Bogo cocked his eyebrow. "Yeah. It's been apart of our policy that officers can keep their radio's in case of emergencies while we were off duty."

They left, Judy tugging at Nick's shirt. "I think I know a signal that no one at any police department uses."

"All we need to really do is make a plan, but you do know we might die doing this," Nick said in a pessimistic tone.

"At least we tried saving humans," Judy replied.

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