12: Checkpoint

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Two SUV's were parked alongside the long stretch of road. A three wolves had rifles on them, blackened in the night. They wore hoods to block out the heavy rain.

Judy checked her phone. "Weather says it's not going to clear up for about another five hours."

"I like the rain, I don't know about y'all." Andr put her leg over Foxy's lap. "It kinda comforts me."

Nick pointed forward. "Look. A checkpoint." He glanced back at Foxy. "Get the pistols."

They approached the checkpoint, gripping their pistol. One of the tigers put his paw out, ordering to stop. He held a megaphone to his snout. "Turn back. We are conducting a military operation and no civilians may enter without proper registration and identification." His voice boomed, rain splashing off of the megaphone.

"So we just shoot them?" Andr said.

Foxy grabbed a pistol, handing them our. "Yup. There's only 3 of them."

They drove closer, the lights shining on the droplets. The two other wolves began to slowly raise their rifles. "I ordered you to stop! Turn around or else we will open fire!"

Nick lowered his window, rain splashing in. Foxy did the same. "Not if we fire first!" They pulled the trigger, bullets hitting the three. Judy and Andr ducked down, a stream of bullets hitting their seat. One of them crumpled down in pain, holding his stomach. Another dropped down.

Foxy jumped out, shooting the last wolve alive. "Aight! That's it!" he shouted. He ran to the guards, taking off their vests. "Take the vests and their guns."

Andr went to the SUV on the left, opening the door. A small vest laid on the seat, and a F2000. Magazines were thrown around inside. "Do we take the cars or not?"

Nick pointed in the distance. Lights glowed in a close distance, trucks driving in. "It looks like it's only a mile away!" Rain pelted them. They took the hoods, covering themselves.

"This shit's pretty comfy, to be honest," Andr said. She adjusted her soaked jeans.

Judy checked the rifle, which was a MP5. She took the magazine out, looking inside. "Got enough ammo, it's not like we're going to go in guns blazing."

"Come on! We gotta run over there if we want to follow one." Nick began sprinting, Foxy taking suit.

Andr raised her arms slightly. "What about taking the cars?"

Judy began running too, not hearing her.

"I guess that's a no, then."

(Sorry it's so short.)

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