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POV: Sherlock

My father stands on the terrace, a malicious look gleaming in his eyes. I take a step back as he takes one towards me, feeling John's hand on my arm. He speaks quietly, lips brushing my ear, unnoticed my my father.

"Do you want me to call Mycroft?"

I nod slightly, trying not to alert father of anything. John dials Mycroft's number, hand still on my shoulder. I can hear him talking softly behind me, trying to explain the situation to Mycroft. A few seconds later father tries to push past me into the house. I close the door quickly, but he is pushes it open anyways.

"John! Help!"

John drops the phone, rushing over to help me. The door slams into the wall when father manages to open it. I put myself between him and John, who is fumbling to grab his cell off the ground. I don't see it coming, just feel a sharp pain across the side of my face. The impact sends me crashing to the ground, landing hard on my injured wrist again. Spots cloud my vision, but he isn't done yet. The best way to deal with this is to go far into my mind palace, far enough to not feel the impact of his blows. I need to make sure he doesn't drag me out of the flat though, I can't go back.


I push myself up, trying to ignore the pain tearing through my arm. John is by my side, shielding me from as much as he can. Father tears him off of me, kicking me in the side again. Blood is running down my face, dripping onto the hardwood. I start laughing now, Mycroft is going to be pissed I stained his floors again. This makes him kick me harder, trying to shut me up. John pulls me away from him, moving us further away from the door.

"You are coming home with me William. Now!"

He grabs my injured arm, dragging me off the floor. John runs after us, being shoved back again. His head hits the wall and he falls to the ground, knocked out cold. I suppress a scream, knowing my wrist is dislocated again. Father drags me out of Mycroft's flat and shoves me into the car. The ride back to the house is brutal, every turn jarring my bruised body. I should be cold right now, with no shirt, but the pain blocks any feeling of cold I would have. He slams on the breaks when we pull up to the flat, I crash into the back of his seat. Blood smears all over it, still flowing from my nose. I fall when the door opens, being dragged back up quickly. No one else is home, not even Mrs. Hudson, so he doesn't care what happens. This is a very bad thing for me.

"You are going to stay home from now on, no more running off to hide behind your brother."

He shoves me into the house, I fall again. The pain is unimaginable, much worse that it was last night. I cant handle it, I scream this time. Father drags me up the stairs, slamming my door shut after he throws me to the ground again. I curl up in the corner and cry, in too much pain to do anything else. My nose finally stops bleeding, though I am covered in blood completely. I realize my cell is in my coat pocket, and that my coat is still at Mycroft's. I force myself to sleep, barely resisting the urge to get high again. It would help right now, the first thing I think of when I open my eyes is this. My hands start shaking at the thought of shooting something into my system. I push myself up on my uninjured arm, limping to the open window. No one closed it, I should leave. Right now.

I carefully slide out the window, foot missing a branch on the way out. My legs slide out from under me, leaving me hanging onto the window with one hand. I fall of course, hitting most of the branches on the way down. For a few minutes, I just lie in the brittle grass, letting the pain sink in. It takes everything I have to push myself up and walk out the back gate. Instead of going back to Mycroft's flat, I head to Johns. His mum opens the door and, barely recognizing me, ushers me through into the front room.

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