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POV: Sherlock

In the morning I find myself wrapped in Johns arms. Today is the day, my special day. Our special day. I smile as John looks down at me, he returns it.

"Morning Little Otter. Did you sleep well?"

"Very much so, are you ready my Hedgehog?"

"Oh God yes."

At this we both spring up, walking into the kitchen. Mrs. Hudson dosent even try to mention food, noticing how nervous everyone is. We are taking seperate cars to the venue, me with Mycroft and Lestrade, John with Molly and his mother. We run around the flat before leaving, moving chairs and the sofa around. Molly has hired people to put up decorations while we are gone, all we need to do is move our papers and the furniture. Once we are done, we turn to each other and kiss once before leaving the flat.

The crisp autumn air fills my lungs as I inhale deeply, standing in the grass beside Mycroft and Lestrade. They have on their black tuxes, I have my blue. We are standing nervously, waiting to walk down the aisle together.

"Brother dear, you look absolutely stunning."

"You look brilliant mate. The ceremony is about to start, you'll do great."

I pat my curls into place before linking arms with Mycroft and Lestrade. The lawn is beautiful, Molly's flower arrangements are beautifully on display. The lavender and sea glass colours contrast brilliantly with the oranges of the leaves. Mycroft is my best man and Molly is at Johns side. We take our place at the end of the aisle, nerves swelling as the wedding walk begins. It is beautiful, each note swirling on the breeze like the early autumn leaves. There is a gentle tug on my arm as we begin walking towards John, everyone turning to watch us. They stand as we pass, many starting to cry. My mother and Mrs. Hudson are bawling, I feel myself beginning to tear up now. Everything is perfect. Mycroft nudges me forward when we make it to where John stands, smiling as I take my place beside him. We are joined hand in hand as the priest begins speaking.

"We are gathered here today..."

I tune him out, finding myself lost in a sea of chocolate. Johns eyes are glassy and tear filled, but are still the most beautiful things. I look down when he taps his finger lightly against mine, I had been tapping morse to him again. He looks back up when he is done, I love you.

"...I have been told you wrote your own vows?"

John nods and I take a feel breath as he pulls out a slightly wrinkled piece of paper.

"Sherlock, my otter, my life, my everything, I have asked you to take with me another step towards our future and you had said you would take it. I love you, I could go on for an eternity on how much I truly do love you, but I have to keep it short."

He pauses as he tries to hold back the tears that threaten to fall, falling miserably.

"I... I'm going to stick with you though thick and thin. You are my life-line, and I will make sure that nothing will ever happen to you. Now I'm ready to take you onto the next chapter of our lives, as husbands, but only if you are ready."

I miss my head slightly as I bite my lip. He slips the ring onto my long shaking finger. I look at him, but didn't pull out a paper.

"John, my Hedgehog, my rock, my life, I promise that I will always be there for you. I may be the most unbearable person at points, but I promise with you at my side I will be the best husband I can be. You make me complete. It doesn't matter where we go after this, as long as you're with me I know I can do anything. You are my true love. I always thought that love was a chemical defect found on the losing side, but I was wrong. Yes, I was wrong, because I'm on the wining side as we all are. I love you John, I'm ready to be William Sherlock Scott Watson-Holmes."

I slip the ring on to his finger. We both have tears falling as the preast says the last few words that hold John back from becoming my husband. The next few minutes are a wonderful whirlwind, John kissing me hard as everyone cheers behind us. I lift my new husband, John Hamish Watson-Holmes, bridal style and walk to the waiting limo. We finally break the kiss as we stumble into the limo, just the two of us. The ride back home is spent kissing like there is no tomorrow, a tangle of limbs. When the car stops, John reluctantly slides off of me and opens the door. He pulls me out with a gentle hand, letting go once we are flocked by excited friends and family. We make our way upstairs, the others following close behind.

"I am not a great public speaker, let alone when speaking from the heart, but when my brother had asked me to be his best man I gladly excepted it. I have seen the way they look at one another, and I'm happy they are ready to make their next chapter begin. I have been there from the very beginning and was wondering when they would finally put the rings on. Well now I'm here to tell you I am looking forward to where they go. I love you my little pirate, and I'm glad you found your first mate. Enjoy the many adventures that are out there among the vast seas of life!"

We all tost as me and my brother hug.

"I love you too Mike. Thank you so much."

The music begins and my John takes my hand to have our first dance as husbands. I look at him as we dance through our living room. The party is amazing. Everyone watches excitedly as we have our first dance as a married couple. John takes the lead as we glide over the dance floor. I love dancing and am happy to follow my partner. Everyone cheers as John dips me, kissing me again. My husband wrapps his fingers in mine.

"I love you my little Otter."

"Love you too My Hedgehog."

At this everyone joins in dancing. We all eat the food and laugh merrily. My mother gives us a present for later, and I thank her with a dance. We all have a brilliant time, nothing could be better, more perfect. I could have sworn I saw my brother and Lestrade dancing but I couldn't care less. Everyone has at least two glasses of champaign. Me and John each take one glass for now, though I think he is refilling his often. Mrs. Hudson pulls out a gorgeous three tear cake. And, like most newlyweds, we give each other a bite. It ends with lots of laughter and cake all over both of our faces.

The party slowly dies down till only me, John, Mrs. Hudson, Mycroft, and Lestrade are left. I am about to make my way to the bedroom with John, when my cell goes off with a message.

Lovely ceremony.- JM

Hey, Wolf_lady_023 here. I know I never add these notes in, most of it is in the comments, but this is a special chapter. I would like to give a HUGE shout out to Speedyhorse54. Thank you so much for this brilliant chapter. Speedy wrote it for me, I'm not the best with the lovey dovey sort of things. Please pay special attention to their vows as she wrote those as well. Only a few changes here and there where made by me, the rest is from Speedy. Love you to pieces! Thank you to everyone else for your ongoing support and love. Enjoy! Love all of my bloody brilliant readers.

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