End of Term

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POV- Sherlock

Finally the term is almost over, the winter holiday starts at the end of the day. Classes are dull, nothing I haven't already figured out on my own. Mycroft has offered to homeschool me, but I decided to stick it out for my last year. I don't need to go to college, though I think I will. I'm smart enough to make it into any of the best universities, just think it would be a waste of my time. I already have a job of sorts, aconsulting detective. The Scotland Yard police are hopeless, failing to solve the simplest of cases, so I often help with things. No one likes me hanging around there much, but if they didn't get help we would never get anything done. I am working on a case right now actually, three deaths in the past four weeks. My cell buzzes, probably a message about the case. I look down discreetly, surprised at who is messaging me.

Come straight home today. Be bloody careful, father is in a bad mood. -MH

I don't respond, turning back to my schoolwork instead. Father is never in a good mood, but if Myroft is texting me about means he is worse than usual. Class is over quickly, me being as distracted by the case as I am. John meets me in the hall, walking to our finial block together. He kisses me lightly on the cheek before we walk into the room, taking our seats quickly. I complete my work before the professor is finished explaining the lesson, placing my papers on the top right corner of my desk. The minutes tick by so slowly its painful, boredom sinking in quickly. John texts me a few times, checking in on me. The final bell rings at last, bringing relief to everyone. I take my time packing my things, excited to be done with school for a few weeks. The corridors are filled with crazed students, air filled with excited chatter. John meets me at my locker, apologizing that he can't walk home with me today. We do start walking towards the door, but are stopped by a group of boys from the football team. John is, or rather was, on the team previously. He dropped out when we started dating.

"Look, its the freak! Hopefully we dont see him when the next term starts."

John places his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down, cursing when I lunge towards the boys. I know I dont have a chance, its two against five, but I attack them anyways.

"Sherlock no!"

I am pulled back by John before I can make contact, he obviously doesn't want a fight today. He pulls me down, releasing me when one of the boys sends his foot into my side.

"Bloody hell!"

The boys continue beating me, though I manage to hit a few of them before it is over. I am finished once someone kicks me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me. They scatter, leaving me and John alone on the cold tile.

"You can't do this anymore Sherlock. You're going to get hurt one day, seriously injured."

"I know."

He helps me up, allowing most of my weight to be supported by him as we rise. We walk out of the building now, and he walks me home despite the fact he is now late to get home. He kisses me again, making me promise to stay out of trouble, before sprinting down the street. I stand on the terrace, watching him as he disappears around a corner.

"William! Get into the house now."

I turn to see my father, obviously fuming about something. As soon as the door closes he slams me against the wall, my head slamming back into it. He must have seen me with John, further upsetting him. This turns out to be true, as he begins screaming at me about it. I flinch back when he raises his arm to hit me, remaining silent throughout the beating. Mrs. Hudson and mother aren't home right now, probably out shopping, so he continues to scream at me. Mycroft doesn't come out to help me as he usually does, he isn't home either. I can smell the alcohol on his breath when he speaks, face inches from mine. When I try to leave, he slams me back against the wall, shattering a picture. The glass digs into my flesh, drawing blood.

"Clean this up!"

I kneel down, gingerly scraping up the glass. The flat is strangely silent, more so than usual. The reason why hits me suddenly, Redbeard usualy would have run out to help me. I hurry and finish cleaning the floor, running to my room once I'm done. My dog is nowhere to be seen, though his favorite ball is lying on my bed. I answer my cell when it rings, Mycroft is calling.

"Did you make it home okay?"

"Not really. He is in a really bad mood, and the kids at school bothered us again."

"Bloody hell. Can you stay in your room until I get back? Im almost home."


I sit on the floor, leaning against my bed. Redbeards ball rolls off the bed, so I grab it and toss it against the wall repeatedly. I leave the lights off, window open to let in the chill. My floor quickly settles to a comfortable icy temperature, just the way I need it to relax. The hardwood doesn't take long to adjust, much to my liking. I travel to my mind palace, needing an escape from the pain that throbs through my body often these days.


Mycroft opens the door, coming in to sit by my side.

"It's bloody cold in here Sherlock, what're you doing?"

"It's perfect. I enjoy the cold."

He doesn't respond, just messes with my hair for a moment. His voice is heavy when he speaks next.

"Something happened Sherlock."

"Where is my dog?"

"That's the problem. He.. he's gone. Im sorry."

I am confused for a moment, the vet said he would be okay. That he would recover from what happened. Father kicked him, hard, when he tried to help me. He broke two ribs and bruised another.


I am denying it, feeling a deep sadness run through m. He is, was, my only friend other than John. He cant be gone. I make a sound that is somewhere between a scream and a sob, choking. Mycroft hugs me tightly, letting me cry into his suit. Mother and Mrs. Hudson come in soon after, sitting beside us on the floor. I fall asleep eventually, waking to find myself alone and the room heated. Mrs. Hudson probably closed my window again. Redbeards ball is still in my hands, bringing back the grief. Mycroft returns when I start throwing the ball against the wall again, trying to get me to say something to him.

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