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POV- Sherlock

It has been seven years exactly since John and I moved into our apartment. They are dragging me out to dinner tonight, Molly, John, Greg, Mrs. Hudson and Mycroft. John walks back into the room, kissing me softly before grabbing his coat.

"Come on Sherlock, we're going to be late!"

Even Mrs. Hudson has left, reminding us our reservation is for six thirty. We run outside, catching a cab as it drives by. John is tapping his fingers nervously on the seat, absentmindedly tapping something in morse. I smile as I decode it, my name. He looks over at me, lacing his his fingers through mine. We get out of the cab together, I try to enjoy my last few seconds when I am not surrounded by people. John notices how alert I am, squeezing my hand reassuringly.

"It'll be fun Sherlock. It's only a few hours, I promise."

Molly is standing just inside the door, waiting for us. We walk in, much to everyone's excitement. I look around the crowded restaurant, scanning faces and the environment.

"You're okay."

John is whispering softly in my ear again, out of habit whenever I'm upset. I relax a little bit when we sit down, sitting myself as far away from the centre as I can. John and Mycroft sit on either side of me, trying to relax me as much as possible. I notice John is tapping something out again, I pick up on it rather quickly. Mycroft doesn't seem to be paying attention to it. He is asking me if I'm okay, I respond yes. Our server comes by and takes our drink orders, setting a bowl of salad out on the table. They manage to distract me enough that I start to block out the people around us, turning our table into a safe bubble.

I don't eat much, out of habit, though I make an effort to eat a sustainable amount. John is getting increasingly nervous, continuously tapping his fingers against my knee. I take his hand, trying to figure out what is wrong. He stands suddenly, dropping my hand.



" are the most amazing, brilliant, caring person I have ever met. The first time I saw you, I knew you were perfect. And you have stuck with me through everything, have been there for me when I needed you. There is no one else I would rather have by my side. I.. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you. And I want to be with you, forever. No matter what happens, I want you. You are the one. The one I can't live without. The starlight in my darkest nights. If you are willing..."

Everyone goes silent as John drops to one knee, pulling a small box from his pocket.

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes, would you me the honor of being my husband?"

I am shocked, he promised not to do anything crazy for my birthday. But this... This is perfect. I don't say anything, instead pulling him to his feet. He looks surprised, but I kiss him hard on the lips.

"Yes. One hundred times yes."

Molly and Mrs. Hudson are beside themselves with excitement, Mycroft and Greg just stare at us in disbelief. John kisses me again, sliding the beautiful gold band onto my finger. He has that stupidly adorable grin on his face, the one I fell in love with the first time I saw it. Everyone gets up and hugs us, excited chatter filling the air. I am blushing like an idiot, not caring about anything other than what just happened. Mycroft pays for the bill and we head outside, everyone excited. John invites everyone back to the flat to hang out, though both Greg and Mycroft decline. Everyone gets into their separate cabs and drive off.

We stop by the park on our way home, knowing everyone won't be to the flat before ten. John pulls me over to the pond, sitting not on the dock but by the edge of the water. He kisses me again, his fingers tangling in my hair. I tip my head back, enjoying this. We sit here in the dark, snuggling against each other. John checks his watch, cursing when he sees the time.

"Nine forty five, we need to head back in time to meet everyone."

He kisses me one more time before helping me up. We walk home, arriving just as a cab pulls up. Molly hops out, embracing us warmly before we go into the house. I drop my key once the door is unlocked waving John and Molly inside. They leave and I drop to my knees to find the key. It fell down onto the sidewalk not too far from the front steps. I slip it into my pocket before I walk in, Molly and John are standing in the kitchen with Mrs. Hudson. I drop my coat across the back of the couch, freezing when I look over to Johns armchair. Something is sitting nicely folded in the centre.


They move from the kitchen, freezing when they see what I am staring at. Something shatters, splashing red wine all over the place. Molly dropped the bottle, they know what it is. Moriarty took it. And now its back. He is back. I drop to the ground, shaking. The wine seeps into my clothes as it spreads over the floor. Someone reaches out towards me, putting their arms around my body. John is holding me, yelling something at Molly and Mrs. Hudson. Molly leaves the room, taking the coat with her. John is stroking my hair, whispering softly in my ear. His hand is tapping morse out on my back again. Are you okay?

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