Another day, another case

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Another one- GL

Where?- SH

Sending you the address now.- GL

I get the location minutes later, along with a message to please hurry. Our bedside clock displays 11 P.M. I groan as I roll over and slide out of the bed, hardwood nicely cold under my bare feet.


John sits up groggily, sheet sliding down to reveal his bare chest. He stands to pull on a shirt and jeans when he sees me getting dressed.

"Where are we going?"

"Stay here, I wont be long. You need to sleep."

"I'm fine Sherlock, I can go."


He grabs my arm when I try to walk away, gently of course, but it still startles me. I jerk my arm free and walk into the sitting room to grab my coat, John close behind.

"I got a message from Lestrade, he needs on a case."

"Right now?"


I lock the door behind us, trying my scarf around my neck as we look for a cab. John catches one and I rattle off the address, sliding into the seat beside John. He listens intently as I explain everything Lestrade has sent me, asking a few questions here and there. We hop out of the cab as it slows in front of the run-down building, it drives off as soon as we close the doors. Lestrade waves us over, holding the door open as we stride through. A body is still in the middle of the room, blood soaking into the ornate Persian rug.

"Cause of death is still unknown, though I'm sure Molly can figure it out."

I notice his shoes aren't where they should be, he was attacked by someone.

"Obviously it was a break-in."


I go on to explain everything in the simplest terms I can think of, hopefully they understand. My head is spinning and I stumble when I try to walk. John notices when I lean against the wall, walking over to check on me.

"Are you okay?"

"Ill be fine. Need to finish up here before we leave."

I catch myself staring at an out of place paper, reaching out to take it. It is of the same stationary of the note Moriarty left me. My hand is shaking, I notice Johns hand twitch as he realizes how worked up I am getting. He reaches out slightly, eyes trained on my face. I grab the paper, unfolding it slowly.

Test #2 Sherlock- JM

John grabs the paper from me, handing it to Lestrade. I don't realize it until the air hits me, John is leading me outside. His hand is tight around mine as he makes me sit on the gravel, talking softly in my ear. I dont feel anything until Mycroft shows up, grabbing onto my arm tightly. John and Lestrade follow us to Mycrofts car, though Lestrade stays behind to finish his investigation. I watch John lean against me, though I dont feel anything.

"Are you okay Sherlock?"

I'm fighting off another anxiety attack, struggling to contain the panic that is building. Mycroft apparently knows what happened because he dosent ask anything. He helps us into the flat, dropping me off on the couch. They leave me here and go to the kitchen to talk, occasionally checking on me. I zone out, only becoming aware of what is happening when they come to sit down. John sits in his chair and Mycroft on the opposite end of the couch from me, pulling my shoes off and setting them on the ground. I crawl over and lie in Mycrofts lap, falling asleep rather quickly.

When I wake up the room is strangely warm, I realize John is wrapped in my arms. Mycroft is holding me tightly, his chin resting on my head. Someone covered us all with the blanket off of our bed, I don't want to get up now. I feel weird, slightly loopy, and dont remember why we are here. The last thing I remember is going to bed last night, though John and I where in our bed. Mycroft wasn't here.

"Good morning boys."

Mrs. Hudson walks through the door, stopping when she sees all three of us.

"Sherlock, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

She dosent believe me, for some reason frowning.

"If you need to talk..."

"I'm fine Mrs. Hudson."

"I brought breakfast for you boys, I'm going to leave it in the kitchen. Eat something please."

"Ill try."

"I need to leave, have a good day."

"You too."

She smiles sadly at me before leaving, waving as she disappears down the stairs. I dont move, kissing John softly when he wakes.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine. What happened? Why is Mycroft here?"

"You dont remember anything?"



"I dont want to know, do I?"

"Its preferable you don't."


I look down at the coffee table, noticing a needle lying on the edge.

"What's that?"

"Its...we needed to use it."

"What happened?"

"You had another anxiety attack, it got bad."

"So you bloody drugged me?"

"Sherlock calm down, please."

Mycroft tries to sit up, stopping when he realizes that both of us are on top of him.

"What are you two yelling about?"

"You know full well what we are yelling about Mycroft!"

His eyes dart to the table, cursing when he realizes they left it out. I realize now that this one is full, unused.

"When the hell did you do it?"

"He did it when you started screaming outside the building."


"We dont know. You had an anxiety attack during an investigation, started yelling. Lestrade almost walked away with a broken nose, instead got a black eye. You almost destroyed the scene as well. I drugged you when you grabbed his gun and threatened to kill yourself with it!"

John is finished yelling at me, now standing in front of us. Mycroft finally lets go of me, though I make no move to stand. I stay where I am, trying to process I just heard. John sinks down into his chair, obviously no one has come to terms with what happened yet. I realize Mycroft has wrapped his arms around me again, a rare display of emotion.

"I...I'm sorry."

This is too much for John, he breaks and comes back to me. We all sit together for another hour before falling asleep, only waking when Mrs. Hudson returns. Once again, I am the first to wake. John sits up when I nudge him, immediately pulling me into a hug. Mycroft wakes when this happens, the sudden shift of weight being enough to wake him. I realize it is dark out now, we managed to sleep through the day.

"Good to see he is finally up."

Mrs. Hudson is looking straight at me, laughing softly. She shakes her head in amusement when I ask what she means.

"You slept all day Sherlock. I came back up to check on you boys and you didnt wake up like the other two."


John chuckles, looking up lovingly at me. He kisses me before going into the kitchen to help Mrs. Hudson with dinner. I smile, still lying against Mycroft. He dosent protest, instead leans his head back and tightens his arms around me. Its nice to be a child again, the feeling of safety that comes with it.

"I love you Mike."

"I love you too Sherlock."

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