The List

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John?- SH

     Hey, whats up?- JW

     Can you meet me at the park please?- SH

     Its ten in the evening Sherlock.- JW

     Please.- SH

     I'll be right over.- JW

    "Im going out mum! Ill be back as soon as I can."

     "Where are you going John dear?"

     "Sherlock needs... help with something."

     "Be careful!"

     "I will mum."

     I pull on my coat and shoes, running out the door and hopping on my bike. The ride to the park doesn't take too long, but Sherlock is already here. I drop my bike and run over to where he is sitting on the cement, in deep concentration. He looks high again, not a good thing. I call Mycroft on my cell, explaining the situation to him.

     "Where is the list John?"

     "What? What list?"

     "Don't leave him, and make sure he stays there please. I'm heading over now."

     "I will."

     I sit beside Sherlock, trying to pull him back to me. He doesn't respond to anything though, just sits there. A black car pulls up soon, Mycroft jumps out and runs over to us.

     "Has he responded to anything?"


     "Given you the list? Anything?"


     He sits beside Sherlock, talking to him softly. I pull back, surprised when Mycroft waves me over.

     "When he does this, he makes a list. Usually leaves it in his pocket."

     Mycroft reaches into Sherlock's pocket and pulls out a crumpled piece of paper. It crinkles when he unfolds it, cursing when he sees what's on it.

     "Morphine again."


     "Doesn't look like it. I need to get him home though."

     He picks Sherlock up and takes him to the car. I sit on the ground long after they leave, staring at the spot where Sherlock sat. My cell buzzes, pulling me from my thoughts.

     I'm awake now. Mycroft told me to message you.- SH

     Bloody hell Sherlock. What did you do?- JW

    He takes his time responding, leaving me in silence for a few minutes.

     Redbeard is gone, I needed someone to come get me.- SH

     You got bloody high and called me to the park so I could take you home?!- JW

     Yes.- SH

     Why?- JW

     Because I trust you.- SH

     He signs off now, leaving me to ponder his words. I grab my bike and ride around the streets for an hour before riding home. Mum is in the sitting room waiting for me, hugging me when she sees I am home okay.

     "I got a call from the Holmes boy, the older one. He told me what happened. Are you okay John dear?"

     "I don't know yet mum, I'm worried about Sherlock. He got high again, and his dog died today."

      She pulls me back into a hug, stroking my hair. I let her walk me to my room, bidding her a good night before she leaves. I am half asleep when my phone buzzes again, waking me back up.

     Meet me at my house tomorrow please. Use the back way, don't let my father see you.- SH

     Whats going on?- JW

     Just need to see you.- SH

    Are you okay Sherlock?- JW

    Still no.- SH

    Ill be there. I promise. Be careful Sherlock.-JW

    I cant promise you anything. Good night John. I love you.- SH

    I love you too Sherlock, I'll see you tomorrow.- JW

   He signs off, and I turn my cell off. I fall asleep worried about tomorrow, a sick feeling settling in my stomach. I grab my bike and ride aimlessly down the nearly empty streets, leaving the house around midnight. I head back home around two, after the lights shut off in the flat. Mum is still sleeping thankfully, so I am able to jump in bed without her noticing. In the morning she wakes me up, telling me she won't be home till after supper tonight. I eat breakfast alone, sitting around the house until around lunch time. Still no messages from Sherlock, he is oddly silent today. I wait until almost sunset to walk over, slipping in the back gate as Sherlock asked. Something, someone, is lying in the top branches of Sherlocks tree near the window. I scale the tree at a careful speed, not wanting to slip. As I reach the top, I realize Sherlock is lying shirtless in the tree. He is shaking, bloody high again. I wake him, afraid this will be the time he overdoses on me.

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